

2020 elections: where the left grew, where the liberal right maintained its hegemony

Brasil de Fato Daniel Giovanaz e Igor Carvalho The largest cities in the country, São Paulo (SP) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) will have a second round of voting on November The 2020 municipal elections will be marked by the…

Chile – Traps to the real Constitution Change

by Cecilia Capanna Tomás Hirsch, independent Chilean parliamentarian, founder of Acción Humanista and two-times candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Chile, explains how the Yes to the referendum on 25 October could run into traps that could affect…

Genetic engineering research is a secret: How the federal government and the EU want to let us run blindly into a high-risk adventure

Classified information: Millions and millions are spent on genetic engineering projects, but research into the risks of genome changes and into detection methods that make it possible to detect genetically modified organisms, for example in food, is completely underfunded. Genetic…

The New U.S. War on Western Sahara

I’m not misusing the word “war” to mean something like the war on Christmas or drugs or some TV pundit whom somebody else insulted. I mean war. There is a new U.S. war in Western Sahara, being waged by Morocco…

Science, or nuclear fiction?

Biden-Harris must reject the nuclear path Although possibly a sad comment on his predecessors, incoming U.S. president, Joe Biden, is offering the most progressive climate policy so far of any who have previously held his position. As Paul Gipe points…

COVID-19 vaccine update: Pfizer may be the frontrunner, but Canada has hedged its bets

Pfizer and BioNTech have surprised the world, and given it hope, with the preliminary results of the Phase 3 clinical trial of their coronavirus vaccine. They announced on Nov. 9 that the early analysis of the data from the Phase…

Germany’s Sea-Eye adds fourth migrant rescue ship to fleet

The NGO is launching an additional vessel amid a spike in the number of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Some 900 people have drowned making the treacherous journey from North Africa to Europe. The German migrant rescue organization…

E. Salvanou: in the country an agenda against every kind of civil rights is being played out

By Emilia Salvanou*. “Streets and protests carry the virus and give birth to disease” (Michalis Chrisochoidis, Greek Minister of Citizen Protection, 14.11.2020) In striking opposition with the recent decision of the European Parliament that the corona pandemic should not be…

Martha Hennessy, Kings Bay Plowshares Anti-Nuclear Weapons Activist Sentenced

Martha Hennessy, the sixth of the Kings Bay Plowshares defendants to be sentenced, was ordered to serve 10 months incarceration as well as three years supervised probation and restitution. This was a downward departure from the guidelines of 18 to…

Lost Causes, from the Confederacy to Trump

President Donald Trump has embarked on a lost cause akin to that embraced by Southerners after the Confederacy was crushed. That historical “Lost Cause” falsely posited that the U.S. Civil War was fought not to defend slavery, but, rather, to…

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