

The Return of the Taliban 20 Years Later

By Vijay Prashad On August 15, the Taliban arrived in Kabul. The Taliban’s leadership entered the presidential palace, which Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had vacated when he fled into exile abroad hours before. The country’s borders shut down and Kabul’s…

On Silo’s side

Before sharing an article by Julián Axat for “El cohete a la luna”, we would like to introduce it with the words of Jorge Pardés, which give us context in this regard: In a clear exercise of Memory, Julián brought…

Premiere of the Argentinian documentary “In the Name of Lithium” on the conflict between indigenous communities and large-scale mining operations

The Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de Argentina has just released “En el nombre del litio”, a documentary produced by FARN and Calma Cine that deals with the situation in northern Argentina regarding the exploitation of this “wonder mineral”. Directed…

Paine Park of Study and Reflection opens registration for School for Personal and Social Transformation work

The Paine Park of Study and Reflection, located 50km from Santiago de Chile, has been under construction since 2010, with the efforts of many humanists. Among them are the late Huga Tormen and María Cristina Soto, for each of whom…

A Day in the Death of British Justice

I sat in Court 4 in the Royal Courts of Justice in London on August 11 with Stella Moris, Julian Assange’s partner. I have known Stella for as long as I have known Julian. She, too, is a voice of…

Everyday Heros: An inspiring story of Chocolate muffins for homeless people in London

Everybody somehow knows that homelessness is a problem. What many however do not really want to actively comprehend is that it has also turned into an increasingly urgent problem in many big European cities in the last years.[1] This became…

World Humanist Forum-Asia: Connecting for Collaboration and Action

August 15, 2021. The World Humanist Forum- Asia was officially launched with the participation of over 105 individuals, many representing humanist organisms and other NGOs/groups, all sharing the same vision of a non-violent and non-discriminatory humane world, and working in…

Bangladesh’s Ashrayan-3 Project (Bhasan Char Project): Is An Example For The Whole World To Deal With Refugees

The whole world saw the Rohingya refugee’s influx towards Bangladesh in 20217. The Rohingya people have been displaced from their homeland (Rakhine in Myanmar) by the Myanmar military Junta regime. Then, Rohingyas take shelter in Cox’s bazar area in Bangladesh.…

Afghanistan: So What Do the Filthy Commie Peaceniks Say Now?

So, people get hurt when you stop waging wars, and peace is dangerous, and . . . and . . . well, women’s rights! What do the stupid peace lovers say now? Well, here’s what this one says: On September…

Prosecution and civil death

In Turkey, the first conscientious objectors publicly declared their objections in the early 1990s and stood up against war, the military and compulsory service. At first there were only a few who decided to go public, like Vedat Zencir, Tayfun…

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