

Inopia of the soul

15 February 2022, El Espectador On some pavements of Bogotá’s southern highway, they sell huge chunks of meat, offal hanging from itinerant hooks, splattered by the pollution of cars and the mud left by yesterday’s downpour. There are herbs for…

Elections in Colombia: Prospects for Change and Lack of Guarantees

With legislative and presidential elections coming up in Colombia, the supposedly “oldest democracy in Latin America” will see if it can consolidate the most precarious and recent peace on the continent. By Lautaro Rivara The Latin American and Caribbean electoral…

Biden Should Grant Executive Clemency to Leonard Peltier Now

Leonard Peltier is a 77-year-old Anishinabe-Lakota Native American activist imprisoned for 46 years for a crime he says he did not commit. Amnesty International calls him a political prisoner. Peltier recently contracted COVID-19 inside the Coleman maximum security federal penitentiary in…

Western Democracies Have Mutated Into Propagandists for War and Conflict

By John Pilger / Globetrotter Marshall McLuhan’s prophecy that “the successor to politics will be propaganda” has happened. Raw propaganda is now the rule in Western democracies, especially the U.S. and Britain. On matters of war and peace, ministerial deceit…

“We are recovering our shattered dignity”.

Arrest of Juan Orlando Hernández must mark the beginning of the end of impunity Less than three weeks after leaving office, usurped for more than four years following his illegal and fraudulent re-election, former president Juan Orlando Hernández was handcuffed…

Rules of Procedure: The best interests of children and young people

We are just a few days away from the return to classes in Chile, hoping that there is a consensus that these classes will be face-to-face because the consequences of the pandemic and online classes have been devastating, especially for…

Morocco’s grotesque manoeuvres to whitewash the Jaya case

Today, the occupying forces withdrew from the house of Sultana Jaya. Sultana, excited, called her family and friends so that they could come and visit her. At last! The blockade was over. False alarm, the policemen guarding the door had…

EcoWaste Coalition Rallies Support for Action to Eliminate Highly Toxic and Persistent PCBs

An environmental health and justice organization has called for people’s support to the government-led efforts to eliminate a highly toxic class of obsolete industrial chemicals called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that were widely used in old electrical equipment such as transformers…

Can Eating Organic Help Prevent Parkinson’s Disease?

A growing body of research suggests a connection between the pesticide paraquat and Parkinson’s disease. By Miguel Leyva Agricultural workers in the United States currently use more than 400 different pesticides on their crops to ensure “higher yields and improved…

As if it were yesterday

It was 3 a.m. on February 4, 1976, when I was awakened by the first violent tremor. Something told me it wasn’t one of those tremors that pass without consequence; the sensation suddenly cleared my head. My 7-year-old daughter was…

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