

Stop Gun Violence: A Valentine’s Day Plea from the Heart

Valentine’s Day is when we’re supposed to give heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and flowers to those we love. For Manuel “Manny” Oliver, Valentine’s Day is something different. His 17-year-old son Joaquin was shot and killed that day in 2018, at…

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe Must Stand with Ukraine, Condemn Putin & Roll Back NATO to Restore Peace

President Putin is to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine but NATO must also be condemned for "creating the circumstances" for the crisis, says Greek Parliament member @YanisVaroufakis, who was formerly the finance minister of Greece. — Democracy…

Chile: Constitutional Convention approves indigenous consent in consultation process

The provision requires indigenous peoples to be consulted and, in addition, to give free, prior and informed consent in decisions that affect them. The plenary of Chile’s Constitutional Convention approved raising the standard of indigenous consultation and requiring consent for…

US and Russian Physicians Warn War in Ukraine Risks Global Nuclear ‘Catastrophe’

A renowned organization comprised of U.S. and Russian physicians warned late Tuesday that a military conflict involving the two powers in Ukraine risks a nuclear “catastrophe” that could have horrific effects on all of Europe—and potentially the entire planet. By Jake…

Bullying: An argot to hide bullying?

In Chile and Latin America, we use English words, because it has been in the United States or England where concepts made invisible in our Spanish-speaking continent have been given relevance. Using words from another language hides their meaning until…

Haven’t there been enough wars in Europe?

Isn’t it enough that 150 million people died in the two world wars? Are we the people again the fuel of their geostrategic interests? These days we are witnessing a grotesque spectacle between the US with NATO, and Russia, taking…

France Withdraws From Mali, But Continues to Devastate Africa’s Sahel

On February 17, 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron held a press conference in Paris just ahead of the sixth European Union-African Union summit in Brussels along with Senegal’s President Macky Sall and Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo as well as European…

Western Sahara: occupation forces sweep through Dakhla after several days of demonstrations

The occupying forces yesterday stormed violently into the occupied city of Dakhla, attacking participants in demonstrations which have been taking place over the last few days over the disappearance of Lahbib Aghrichi, a Saharawi. These demonstrations, peaceful and well organised,…

Antonio Carvallo Interview Dr Vinya Ariyaratne

Pressenza Interview with Dr Vinya Ariyaratne, President of Sarvodaya the largest NGO in Sri Lanka reaching with their message of compassion and nonviolence over 15000 villages in the country. Transcript: I am Antonio Carvallo editor of presence and member of…

Why isn’t America listening to the advice on NATO expansion of its foremost 20th century expert on Russia?

The US diplomat George Kennan, an astute observer of Soviet Russia under Stalin, offered his observations later in life on the question of NATO expansion. The tragedy of our times is that those views are being ignored. Winston Churchill once…

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