

Global People’s Health Movement Calls for a New International Economic, Political, and Social Order

At a recent global gathering, hundreds of health activists committed to uniting the health movement with other progressive social movements. Their aim is to form a broad coalition for radical change to counter the crises of capitalism and imperialism. By…

Peace Boat’s arrival to New York

Sailing for Blue Innovation and the SDGs Celebration onboard Peace Boat ~ Sunday, June 16, 2024 ~ Docking in New York City on June 16, Peace Boat will hold a special invitation-only event onboard in celebration of UN World Oceans…

Women and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia resist dispossession of resource-rich lands

Women and Indigenous peoples in several regions of Bolivia are resisting land seizures, deforestation, and the extraction of natural resources that affect their livelihoods, while the authorities are conspicuous by their absence to support the defense of their rights. By…

The first step of the Third March for Peace and Nonviolence will take place in the Aula Magna “Kofi Annan” of UPaz, Costa Rica.

On the 7th of May, representatives of the promotion team in Costa Rica of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence met at the University for Peace with the Rector of this institution, Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena, in the…

Opening of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Berlin and Hamburg

Because of the current world situation, it is urgent to make the voices for a world without war and violence heard on all continents. To this end, the organization “World without Wars and Violence” is organizing the 3rd World March…

EcoWaste Coalition Blasts “Out of Control” Online Sale of Skin Lighteners with Mercury that can Harm Kidneys

Watchdog Group Pushes E-commerce Sites to go Mercury-free 6 June 2024, Quezon City. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition has deplored the “out of control” sale of skin-lightening products with mercury content amid the observance of National Kidney Month this…

A Long Road Ahead Towards a Mercury-free Environment

As the country celebrates World Environment Day, environmental watchdog group, BAN Toxics, draws attention to hard-hitting truths on the continued exposure of the Filipino people and the environment to toxic mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause irreparable damage…

BCU Students Gain Valuable Insights at RISE 2024: ICREATE 1st International Conference on Research and Innovation #2/4 Series

 by  Genevieve Balance Kupang Baguio City, Philippines. Students and faculty from Baguio Central University (BCU) actively participated in the RISE 2024: ICREATE 1st International Conference on Research and Exhibits on Aviation & Aeronautics, Tourism, Engineering and Education (ICREATE), held at…

June 20 @ 7pm ET – VFP’s Nuclear Abolition Presents – Nuclear Power and Weapons In a Time of Rising Tensions

June 20, 2024 @ 7 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 4 pm Pacific Register here William Hartung, an expert on US military spending; Linda Pentz-Gunter, founder of Beyond Nuclear; and Greg Mello, director of the Los Alamos Study Group.

Academic Murder’ in Palestine

The crime against ideas thought and education. Eight months after the attack perpetrated by Hamas and the subsequent Israeli reprisals, which are still ongoing, the gravity of the Zionist actions against the Palestinian population in Gaza and other occupied territories…

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