

Chile today: a laboratory to revive democracy. Interview with Giorgio Boccardo, Undersecretary of Labor

In one of the darkest moments in the history of humankind, while the 21st century is starting as badly as the previous one, the horrible news about the war in Ukraine is overshadowing a positive fact, which gives a sign…

The Dis-United States

A map of the U.S. states that might serve as safe havens for abortion rights . . . . . . probably surprises nobody, and bears a strong resemblance to a map of the U.S. states that have banned the…

Why African Elites Need Honorary Medals for Corruption

Without a doubt, Africa’s political history has indeed documented that power collapses, absolute power collapses absolutely. The worst scenario is political power fraught with deep-seated corruption, lack of transparency, and lack of public accountability. This has been the case, over…

As the Planet Warms, Let’s Be Clear: We Are Sacrificing Lives for Profits

Climate change is the result of a deadly calculus: human lives are worth risking and even losing over the profits of global corporations. By Sonali Kolhatkar The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recently dropped a bombshell announcement that should have garnered…

Brazil: Why (and how) do we still have to talk about 13 May?

For 300 years, the Negroes of the African continent were subjugated and enslaved in various parts of the world, including Brazil. It was three centuries of dehumanisation of millions of people. Today, 134 years afterwards its legal abolition in Brazilian…

India’s paradox: 47°C in April and burning coal

The country, which was coming off its warmest March in more than a century, has faced the hottest April temperatures on record while 70 per cent of its electricity is generated by the dirtiest source: coal. By Pablo Rivas/El Salto…

Interview with Marcelo Castillo, spokesperson of the Coordinating Committee for the renationalization of Copper and Big Mining in Chile

We interviewed Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle in his capacity as spokesperson for the Coordinadora por la Renacionalización del Cobre y la Gran Minería, as we were interested to know what he thinks of the deliberations that have taken place regarding the…

The scourge of human trafficking in Ghana

It seems like only yesterday that Cissy, 25, was lured by a man claiming to be a travel agent who promised her the opportunity of a high-paying job. “Because I am a young woman who comes from a normal family…

The Canadian government and RBC Bank are ignoring the rights of Wet’suwet’en Nations

The Wet’suwet’en Nation’s fight against the Coastal GasLink pipeline project was in Montreal on Thursday, and dozens of protesters gathered outside the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The Wet’suwet’en protest against RBC’s participation in the gas pipeline…

Educating by example

In a world where discourse is increasingly distanced from behaviour, the phrase once uttered by Albert Einstein becomes relevant: “Educating by example is not one way of educating, it is the only way”. Educating and teaching are two words that…

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