

The failure of President Boric’s indigenous policy

In repressive and unjust conditions, which erode the Mapuche people’s right to freedom, it is necessary to break the silence, especially when the position we have been forced to take is defensive, in the face of militarisation, which installed forces…

Zabier Hernández “We must treat with love all those who did not vote in order to make them fall in love”.

This Sunday presidential elections took place in Colombia. Gustavo Petro was the candidate who obtained the most votes with more than 8.5 million votes, something like 40.32% of the votes. He will face Rodolfo Hernández on 19 June in the…

France at the crossroads

The French presidential election last April resolved nothing but the extension of Emmanuel Macron’s term in office, which is far from answering the questions that are troubling the French people. Although Macron delayed the formation of a new government as…

How little we know about Chilean history!

In the brief historical references given by the Government about the previous Constitutions -in its information campaign on the constituent process- there is a serious error regarding the 1925 Constitution. This is that it states that this Constitution was written…

FishNet Alliance decries introduction of genetically improved Tilapia into Nigeria

Nigerians may be unaware, but genetically improved tilapias are on the way to the country and should arrive this month, May 2022, the Fishnet Alliance has warned. According to a report from the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, the improved tilapia…

Online selling of banned skin lighteners prevails!

BAN Toxics signals the alarm following the 6.6 sale of various online shopping sites on banned mercury-laden skin lightening creams. In time for 6.6 mid-year sale promos by various online shopping platforms, 17-year-old student, youth volunteer and BT Patroller Mary…

Groups Insist on Stricter Limits for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Waste

5 June 2022, Quezon City.  As World Environment Day is celebrated, non-profit groups campaigning for a zero waste and toxics-free society pressed the Government of the Philippines to back stricter limits for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in waste to avoid…

ARTABLADO: BALIK -TaNoW, “Malabon, Noon at Ngayon” Art Exhibit

ART EXHIBIT     by Genevieve Balance-Kupang “Visual arts were meticulously designed using colors, forms, lines, and shapes, among others Broaching uniqueness, semblances, and contrasts Combined together, they spell symmetry, peace, love, harmony, and brilliance Creative expressions of humanity’s unique…

Lord Howe Stick Insects: Wrongly Deemed Extinct; With Genome 25% Larger Than a Human’s

ENDANGERED SPECIES ESSAY I’m still here. Don’t let me go. ~Robert Krulwich Once deemed extinct in Lord Howe Island (LHI), where they are endemic, today only 35 Lord Howe Island Stick insects (Dryococelus australis), are alive in the wild, but not…

CONDEPP: “We celebrate that President Gabriel Boric honours his word”.

This is how the artisanal fishermen of CONDEPP (Consejo Nacional por la Defensa del Patrimonio Pesquero A.G.) reacted after what the President of the Republic said in his public account on Wednesday, indicating that “in terms of fishing and aquaculture…

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