

“Espinar cannot wait”: the voices of the people affected

Nearly 40 years of mining activity in Espinar, Cusco, has had a serious impact on the native populations (K’ana population) living near the mine, such as the loss of their territories and the loss of their customs and traditions. The…

Approve to reform

The rules of “democratic” functioning that the current Pinochetista constitution illegitimately imposed, left the citizen reduced for decades to a mere entity that suffers, without having a greater participation in the political, social and economic development of the Nation. This…

Narek and the Nagorno Karabakh War

In his now classic “The Clash of Civilizations”, Samuel Huntington foresaw in the post-Cold War period a series of potentially explosive conflicts based no longer on the opposition between ideologies, but rather on the opposition between civilizations; the identity factor,…

Northwest Syria: UN resolution period halves. This is how humanitarian aid is exploited

On 12th of July, 2022, the UN Security Council approved the conditional renewal of humanitarian aid through the Bab Al-Hawa crossing. Still I Rise’s alarm: “The lives of 4.4 million people have been turned into an instrument of political pressure.”…

Who is in charge of women’s pain? The importance of charities like Endometriosis UK

Endometriosis UK is one of the UK’s leading charities supporting Endometriosis sufferers. First established by volunteers as the National Endometriosis Society in 1981, they work to debunk the false myths about this disease, raise awareness and help people give a…

Peru: Stop violence against women

Despite the various and permanent campaigns against violence against women and feminicide, the problem persists and is one of the most serious in our society today, along with corruption of officials, delinquency and organised crime and family violence. In documents…

An irrepressible desire for freedom

“The Roman emperors did not forget to adopt the title of tribune of the people, because this function was considered holy and sacred; established for the defence and protection of the people, it was held in high esteem in the…

The surprising theoretical indigence of the Rejection’s minions

ON THE ARGUMENTS AGAINST REJECTION It is barely a week since the CC put an end to the work of drawing up the draft constitution commissioned by the community. One might have thought that, after the end of this task,…

An old shadow from the past, which new generations avoid stepping on, is lurking in the corners of power.

This shadow claims to seek a broad consensus, where everyone fits in a common house. The guarantee that this can happen is the equidistance between Approve and Reject, for which it recommends a blank vote. Thus emerges, amidst the trumpets…

The Pink Tide Surges in Latin America

While the political balance between progressive and reactionary states south of the Rio Grande continues to tip to the left, even the corporate press pronounced Biden’s June Summit of the Americas meeting in Los Angeles a flop. Most recently, Colombia…

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