

Drop all charges against Ruslan Kotsaba

In Ukraine, a trial against Ukrainian journalist, pacifist and conscientious objector Ruslan Kotsaba will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, simply because he publicly expressed his pacifist views. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the…

Bangladesh: Rohingya refugees held peaceful rallies ‘Go Home’ campaign, marking World Refugee Day

On June 20, 2002, thousands of Rohingya refugees held peaceful rallies in Bangladesh, demanding repatriation to Myanmar with safety, dignity and security. The demonstrations were staged under the banner “Let’s go home.” Refugees among 23 crowded camps in Bangladesh’s southeastern…

Ukrainian pacifist and objector Ruslan Kotsaba on trial again

In Ukraine, a trial against Ukrainian journalist, pacifist and conscientious objector Ruslan Kostaba will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, simply because he publicly expressed his pacifist views. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the…

US: Guns Have to Go

According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 354 mass shootings in the US so far in 2022, and more than 24,000 people in this country have died as a result of gun violence (mass shootings, suicides, homicides, accidents,…

Two crimes in one: the horrific relation between War and Human Trafficking

Bombs, blood, civilians’ bodies lying on the streets, buildings burned to ashes and screams of horror. These are just a few of thousands of things that we imagine when we think of war. Sadly, it goes further, deeper and darker,…

“Barbechas”: Protectors of the Environment in Tunisia

“Barbechas” of Tunisia are some of the most underrated workers in the country. Though their work is difficult and precarious, it is important as it helps protect the environment from plastic waste. The term “barbechas” refers to people in Tunisia…

Luis Milani has left

Death, as a discreet companion, is stepping on tiptoe, silently, while it walks by our side, counting the days for an inevitable face to face encounter. Why don’t we keep it more present, don’t we reach out to it and…

‘You Don’t Got This’: Peace Group Blasts NYC’s New Nuclear Survival PSA

It’s difficult to take shelter during a thermonuclear attack, says ICAN, “when, in a matter of seconds, houses up to 175 kilometers away from the epicenter crumble like they are made of cards.” By Brett Wilkins Peace advocates on Tuesday…

The triumph of intolerance

Whether approval or rejection is imposed in the next plebiscite to define our constitutional future, everything augurs a terrible outlook if we consider that in any case what will be imposed is the triumph of intransigence and sectarianism. Especially when…

The impact of messengers

Half a century ago, the Canadian philosopher and researcher Marshall McLuhan highlighted the role of the media as much more than mere transmitters of political events, as their presence and action generate a communicational impact that is not necessarily in…

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