

More Than 1,000 u.s. War Opponents Express Solidarity With Russian War Resisters and Urge Negotiations

Representatives of major U.S. peace organizations announced today that more than 1,000 Americans who opposed the U.S. wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq have signed a statement expressing solidarity and support with Russians who are opposing the Ukraine War both…

“We’re all in prison, as long as Julian’s in prison”: exclusive interview with Stella Assange

On Friday, October 7th, with some of the fellow promoters of the 24 hours for Assange, we attended the Wired Next Fest 2022, hosted for the occasion by the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan. Obviously, without taking anything away from…

US elections: Ralph Nader urges Democrats to “crush” the Republican Party

Ralph Nader, the legendary consumer rights activist and former Green Party US presidential candidate, has urged Democrats to “crush the Republican Party in 2022”. Nader believes that the authoritarianism embraced by the Republican Party poses an existential challenge to American…

Boric announces mixed pension system: “The AFPs, in this reform, are finished”.

On national television, the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, announced the pension reform to be introduced by his government, detailing that the project includes a mixed system, individual accounts and the end of the PFAs. The president began by…

Gloria Mujica, our own history

There are those in life who walk at our same pace, who are in the places we pass through, who chant with us the same slogans, who raise similar flags for the same decades and change them for other roles…

Austrian premiere of the documentary film «Ithaka» on Julian Assange

On October 15th, as part of the marathon 24h for Assange, the Austrian Journalist Club and the Candles4Assange vigil team Vienna with hosted the Austrian premiere of the documentary film «Ithaka», portraying the fight of Julian Assange’s father and family to…

China’s Path to Socialist Modernization

The Communist Party of China (CPC) held its 20th National Congress from October 16 to October 22, 2022. Every five years, the delegates of the CPC’s 96 million members meet to elect its top leaders and to set the future…

What to Expect from COP27 in Egypt’s Police State: An Interview With Sharif Abdel Kouddous

The global climate meeting called COP27 (the 27th Conference of Parties) will be held in the remote Egyptian desert resort of Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt from November 6-18. Given the extremely repressive nature of the Egyptian government, this gathering will likely…

Offloading Climate Responsibility on the Victims of Climate Change

An interview with Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey. By Steve Taylor Editor’s note: This interview has been edited for clarity and length from the author’s conversation with Nnimmo Bassey on October 7, 2022. For access to the full interview’s audio and…

Canada’s proxy war

These days, Western nations’ thoughts and conversations are dominated by the war between Russia and Ukraine, which is generally acknowledged to be a U.S. proxy war in which the US is seeking to destabilize Russia. Once that is accomplished, the…

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