

With Lula, Brazil recovers external credibility and internal dialogue

The blocking of hundreds of roads and crowds demanding a coup d’état in front of the barracks did not cloud the democratic climate and the good international repercussions of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s election as president of Brazil for…

After Victory, What Will Lula’s Foreign Policy Look Like?

The tenure of President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil is defined by the deforestation of the Amazon, the return of 33 million Brazilians to hunger, and the terrible governance of the country during the pandemic. By Pedro Marin But it also…

The women fighting against the ayatollahs from the Kurdish mountains

By Karlos Zurutuza for Inter Press Service. It usually takes hours of driving in a 4X4 before heading out on foot through a dense forest. There, protected under a sea of beech trees from the view of the drones, it…

Winds of integration are blowing from the peoples: Plurinational Assembly of RUNASUR in Buenos Aires

This 5 and 6 November, the Plurinational Assembly will take place in Buenos Aires to constitute Runasur, the Unasur of the Peoples, under the guidelines of the defence of life, cultural identity and sovereignty from an anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist vision.…

Greece’s Surveillance Scandal Puts Rights At Risk

A European Parliament committee that investigates spyware use by European Union governments soundly criticized the Greek government’s response to revelations it surveilled independent journalists and an opposition leader. “We’ve heard worrying reports of journalists feeling unsafe when they write about important topics, of the supposedly independent…

For the right to public education: care, transformation and social justice

At the 12th Regional Assembly of CLADE, the theme that concerns the network was discussed: the human right to education from the perspectives of the subjects of rights and actors who fight for the possibility of fully exercising this right…

The dictatorship of silence

One of the greatest myths of modern Western society is based on individual freedom of conscience and thought, which was offered to each of its inhabitants as a supreme value of the democracies of our times. It was the calling…

Chile on Halloween, the living, the dying, the dead and the resurrected

The “living” are appropriating pension funds While we listened to President Boric speaking to us from La Moneda about his bill to eliminate the disastrous AFP, and we were beginning to rejoice, he then insulted us by maintaining the language…

Spain: Seven years of gagging and a cloak of impunity restrict and undermine the right to protest

New Amnesty International investigation as debate on the Gagging Amnesty International is calling on the government to guarantee the right to peaceful demonstration and on parliamentary groups to make legislative changes to facilitate this by amending the Gagging Law and…

Latin America, the US’s new plastic dumping ground.

Every year the US sends thousands of tons of plastic waste to Latin America. Mexico, El Salvador and Ecuador are the main recipients of waste that is largely unsuitable for recycling. Loopholes in international regulations also lead to the shipment…

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