

It’s time for citizens to exert pressure for Peace

“Governments only mobilize today if there is popular pressure,” said Rafael de la Rubia, coordinator of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, thankful for the support declared by the mayor of Bogotá in the launching of the initiative in Colombia.

Doctor Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, Fights Malaria, Preventing Millions From Being Ravaged By the Disease

Manuel Elkin, Scientist and discoverer of a new vaccine to cure Malaria, will participate this Wednesday in the second lecture of Ethics, Humanism and Science Dialogues in Donostia, where he will discuss: “The Social Commitment Of Science: The Malaria Vaccine As An Example.”

Information exchange agreement between Morris Productions and Pressenza

Today in the city of Bogota, Colombia, an agreement was reached to exchange information between our agency and Morris Productions, directed by the renowned journalist Hollman Morris.

Argentine President endorses the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Cristina Fernández has endorsed the initiative of the organisation World without Wars and is calling on people to work for a world without violence in which the banners of justice, liberty and dialogue are upheld.

To Obama on Torture: Do the Right Thing

President Obama’s decision to release the “torture memos” was a victory for
transparency; but his decision not to prosecute the agents who committed
torture is wrong, and betrays his own calls for accountability and moral

Mia Farrow calls out for immediate action to avoid famine in Darfur

Actress and UNICEF ambassador Mia Farrow was a guest speaker at the recent Millenium Summit in Montreal. She spoke about the crisis in Darfur, a region she has visited 11 times since 2004.

March for Peace seeks one million endorsements

Promoters of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence gather endorsements in the streets

Signature Campaign in Santiago’s Center

The international organization World Without Wars gathered in downtown Santiago city center as part of the campaign to collect a million signatures for Peace.

A human stimulus package should be part of the solution to the financial crisis

Pressenza speaks with Henk-Jan Brinkman – by Anne Farrell

Evo’s gesture of active nonviolence leads Bolivian legislators to approve electoral reforms

Bolivian legislators approved an historic electoral law increasing the representation for the Bolivian people from low income rural areas.

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