

Sarah Onyango “Obama” endorses the World March

Sarah Onyango “Obama”, grandmother of the US President endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, welcoming the idea behind it, she prevailed upon others to support the initiative. She wishes everyone to “come together and take responsibility for transforming the world into a world without wars and a world with abundant openings of reconciliation and prosperity”.

UN named Evo “Global Defender of Mother Earth”

The United Nations General Assembly awarded President Evo Morales a medal and scroll, naming him “Global Defender of Mother Earth”. The ceremony took place at the Palacio Quemado, the presidential palace in La Paz. The honor was bestowed after the Bolivian president’s tireless efforts before the United Nations defending the environment and natural resources.

D`Escoto: UN en route to renovation

The United Nations (UN) is en route to its renovation because its current structure doesn’t respond to worldwide reality, declared to the ABI the president of this organization, Miguel D’Escoto, who was in Bolivia to hand to President Evo Morales a parchment in which he was declared by the international organization “World Hero of Mother Earth”.

Center-left Opposition wins Japanese parliamentary polls

On Sunday, LDP party, in power since 1955, suffered a historic defeat in parliamentary elections. Japanese voters shifted to the left. According to the official results, the centre-left Democratic Party of Japan has won 308 out of a total of 480 seats in parliament. A record 54 women have won seats in the new Japanese parliament, where women generally are under-represented.

Miramar, one more city to join the project for world peace

Miramar is a coastal resort where thousands of Argentinians choose to spend their summer vacations. It is located 50 km from the world-renowned city of Mar del Plata. Its Mayor, Patricio Hogan, recently joined in supporting the proposals of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence and committed to promote the global initiative against violence throughout his municipality.

Madagascar power-sharing talks collapse

Crisis talks to end months of political instability in Madagascar have collapsed as the parties failed to agree who should hold key posts in a transitional government. Ousted president Marc Ravalomanana and his successor Andry Rajoelina remained deadlocked over who should occupy the presidency in the interim government, the African Union – which is brokering the talks – said.

Koreas to resume family reunion programme

North and South Korea have reached an accord on restarting a reunion programme for families divided by the 1950-53 Korean War. The reunions, which begun in 2000, were shelved amid deteriorating relations since a conservative South Korean government took office in February 2008. The reunions will take place between 26 September and 1 October at a resort in North Korea.

Juanes explains decision to give concert in Havana

Renowned Columbian singer Juanes, winner of five Grammy awards, requested permission from the Cuban government to put on a concert for peace in September, along with other Latino artists such as Juan Luis Guerra, Silvio Rodríguez, and Spain’s Miguel Bosé. The idea has met with some resistance from vocal antihumanists based in Miami.

UNASUR: “We have decided to construct a mutual commitment to defence and peace, rejecting the use of force against another State”

The main subject at the summit was the installation of US bases in Colombia. Alvaro Uribe defended the decision to allow them in order to combat drug-trafficking, while President Correa pointed out that “Never before have we discussed foreign bases in South America, and we used to have them in Ecuador for example,” and he stressed the creation of “criteria and rules”.

Cindy Sheehan Protests Obama’s War Polices

Antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan arrived in Martha’s Vineyard to lead a protest near the home where President Obama is vacationing. Sheehan made international headlines four years ago when she led large protests outside President Bush’s home in Crawford, Texas. On Thursday, Sheehan criticized Obama for expanding the war in Afghanistan.

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