Cancun, Climate Change and WikiLeaks
Critical negotiations are under way here in Cancun, under the auspices of the United Nations, to reverse human-induced global warming. This is the first major meeting since the failed Copenhagen summit last year, and it is happening at the end of the hottest decade on record. While the stakes are high, expectations are low, … read more.
Avaaz campaign for WikiLeaks
The massive campaign of intimidation against WikiLeaks is sending a chill through free press advocates everywhere.
Legal experts say WikiLeaks has likely broken no laws. Yet top US politicians have called it a terrorist group and commentators have urged assassination of its staff. Avaaz is organizing a massive campaign to defend Wikileaks.
Entry into School
*The second-last tranch of entrants into the School of Silo took place at the 20 Parks of Study and Reflection, 4 December, 2010. It was a simple procedure. People came and went. There were group discussions and parties were held. The collective conscious life of a relative few was substantially augmented to the betterment of the general human condition.*
Humanists in Nepal demonstrate on World Unity Day
“World Unity Day”, 29 November 2010, was celebrated in Kathamandu’s Kevre District, in Panauti, where the call went out to the city’s population drawing attention to the need for unity wherever in the world. The slogan: “We wish Peace Force and Joy to all on this day calling for unity among people.” Flags, banners, and lots of school age children made the event very lively.
A tree is Born, a tree Dies, the forest lives Forever
The renown and revered botanist Leonardo L. Co, 56, was killed by gunfire 15 November, 2010, in a geothermal reservation in Leyte in Upper Mahiao, Barangay. Lim-ao, Kananga town, Leyte. He was doing research work for the Energy Development Corporation and was with four other team members. Three of them were killed and two survived.
Crossroads to Peace
*It could be said that by respecting human diversity we stand together, united in our understanding that the differences in our landscape of formation is what makes life dynamic and interesting. Wouldn’t it be boring to think alike, to want to eat the same foods, go to the same places, to express ideas in the same way?*
Current situation and trends acting in the Americas
In a group studying the present moment, made up with O. Cevey, J.J. Coscarelli, D. Ergas, J.G. Feres, P. Figueroa, T. Hirsch, M. Icarte, A. Koryzma, F. Palumbo, V. Piccininni and J. Vergara an attempt has been made to understand the current state of our American continent, without attempting to arrive at a conclusive view. We thought it interesting to publish it anyway.
WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Secret U.S. Diplomatic Cables
The United States is facing a diplomatic crisis as the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has begun releasing today over 250,000 secret diplomatic cables. The cables have already proved embarrassing to numerous world leaders. The cables show the Saudi king Abdullah has repeatedly urged the United States of America to attack Iran.
U.N. Cancun Climate Change Conference Opens
Thousands of delegates, scientists and activists are gathering today in Cancun, Mexico, for the start of a two-week United Nations Climate Change Conference. A new scientific report being issued on the occasion reveals that up to a billion people from different nations could lose their homes in the next 90 years due to climate change.
Vote Rigging Allegations Mar Haiti Election
In Haiti, Sunday’s presidential election was marred by widespread reports of voting fraud and chaos. Twelve of Haiti’s 19 presidential candidates have called for peaceful protests against what they described as *”massive fraud.”* The candidates accused Haitian President Rene Preval of trying to steal the election and install his chosen candidate, Jude Celestin.