

Proactive organizing gets best results

We often in the peace movement are in a reactive mode. But in order to successfully achieve our goals of ending war we have to flip the switch and become more proactive and force those in power to be reacting to us. Unless we begin to have a strategic discussion within the peace community then this will not likely happen.

Costa Rica ban production of depleted uranium weapons in their free trade zones

In a sign of growing political opposition to uranium weapons, Costa Rica has passed legislation banning their production in its Free Trade Zones. Zonas Francas or Free Ports are common throughout Latin America and are seen as a means of boosting employment in deprived areas by offering favourable operating conditions to foreign companies.

The Malvinas again

Journalist Luis Ammann points out that 2010 may be the tensest year in Argentine-British relations since the 1982 war and the Argentine government must demonstrate the temper necessary to place its actions in a non-violent framework. Recently, the United Kingdom unilaterally authorized the search for petroleum in the islands’ undersea platform.

Costa Rica legislator joins Global Council

PNND welcomes Edine von Herold Duarte to its Global Council. Edine, a legislator in the Costa Rican Assembly, is a doctor of medicine who has been active in health and disarmament issues. She has submitted a number of bills which have been adopted by the Costa Rican legislature including one to prohibit Depleted Uranium weapons.

Israelis ready to face repression

In the midst of conflict and hate, a new solidarity is born. Israeli citizens confront their own military and defend the rights of their Palestinian fellow countrymen. Two activists relate stories of occupation and non-violent opposition. The organization called Ta’ayush was founded by Israelis and Palestinians in order to end the Israeli occupation

Hundreds of activists blockade nuclear bomb factory in the UK

Up to eight hundred anti-nuclear campaigners from all corners of the UK and other countries joined a blockade of the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire, UK, on February 15th in order to prevent the construction of new nuclear bombs making facilities. Every gate was closed by blockaders in the course of the morning. Twenty-six arrests were reported.

Humanist Party launches campaign for ‘Direct election of judges and commissioners’

Base teams of the Buenos Aires Humanist Party are setting in motion a mass dissemination campaign in favour of ‘Direct election of judges and commissioners’. The humanists assert that the only way to have judges and commissioners who are concerned with meting out justice and ensuring compliance with the law to the benefit of the people, is with the mechanisms of Real Democracy.

Bombspotters invade the security of the Kleine Brogel Air Base – in preparation for a Europe-wide campaign on April 3

The UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference starts in New York on May 3, 2010. The political juncture has never been as favourable for demanding nuclear disarmament. Vredesactie is calling for the operations of the Kleine Brogel nuclear base to be permanently stopped using non-violent direct action beginning on April 3.

Presentation of the documentary “Africa Rising,” against female circumcision

To mark the occasion of the World Day against Female Genital Mutilation [FGM], the documentary from Equality Now “Africa Rising” was presented at the Fine Arts Society of Madrid. The film was directed and produced by the Salvadorian film-maker Paula Heredia. Winner of an Emmy, the film depicts several African social movements and their struggle against this practice.

Haiti, Forgive Us

Haiti has suffered a massive blow, an earthquake for which its infrastructure was not prepared, after decades—no, centuries—of military and economic manipulation by foreign governments, most notably the United States and France. Earthquakes alone do not create disasters of the scale now experienced in Haiti. The wealthy nations have for too long exploited Haiti.

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