

China – Liu Xiaobo, Charter 08, and the Big Prize

Liu, a literary critic, writer and political activist, was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2008 for “inciting subversion against the state”. In 2008, Liu and several hundred intellectuals in China issued a manifesto, Charter 08, calling for political reform and an end to one-party rule. Former Czech president Vaclav Havel has proposed Liu for a Nobel Peace Prize.

The Event of Silo’s Death has been one of Faith, Joy and Commitment

Silent and humble: Silo lost in the huge auditorium, was the visible leader of the great humanist movement which celebrated an International Encounter in Quito. I attended keen to learn about his ideology, to contact his kindred humanists from the five continents; Tomás Hirsch, the Latin American humanist spokesperson, Giorgo Schultze, Rafael de la Rubia.

One year after the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

One year after the World March started in Wellington, New Zealand, the book of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence – a compilation in 400 colour pages of almost everything that took place over three months, plus the preparations – is presented in Toledo, Spain. The following are the words of Tony Robinson, international Spokesperson for World without Wars and Violence.

Back to the Future. Rubbish as a source of fuel becomes a reality

Almost 25 years after Spielberg’s film *Back to the Future* predicted the use of rubbish as a fuel for cars several projects that transform household waste into fuel are on their way thanks to bacteria originally used for compost heaps, which have been now genetically engineered to produce Ethanol by braking down the cellulose in food and other organic substances.

Letter from the Chacras de Coria Ice-cream seller

Here we transcribe the entirety of these lines by “Guri”, the owner of the ice-cream parlour in Chacras de Coria, Mendoza, Argentina. “About the death of Silo”, in which he recounts his 25 year relationship with Mario Luis Rodríguez, Silo, who always bought his ice-creams and ate them on the terrace of his ice-cream parlour.

A week since the departure of Silo

The ceremony for Silo’s departure took place on Friday 17th September, in the city of Mendoza, in the presence of his friends and loved ones who attended from different parts of the world. Pressenza has released a video of this event. Now Silo’s disciples will spread the ashes in 20 Parks for Study and Reflection in America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

Convergence of Cultures says goodbye to Silo, source of inspiration for the New Humanism, with a tribute

Following the death of Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos (better known as Silo), the humanist organization Convergence of Cultures will pay tribute to its source of inspiration on October 2nd next, coinciding with the International Day of Non-Violence. They will participate along with other organizations inspired by his ideas, in ceremonies that will take place in different countries.

Silo’s spiritual dimension – Argentina’s inexhaustible architect of Peace

Silo’s spiritual dimension is inexhaustible and his death leaves us with a teaching whose scope, both unpredictable and vast, is difficult to measure. This phrase, uttered in these very complex and clichéd times, seems to speak of someone with an opinion on anything and everything; but Silo did not have anything to do with what is in the media, nor was he a stage act.

Taiwan – Silver teapot dialogue

Silversmith Mr Chung Wei-wen is a Taiwanese working independently in the foothills above Taipei, producing silver accessories and teapots. Highly skilled and with strong demand for his artifacts, with his teapots he tries to reach into the mind of his clients with his more humanistic philosophy that pits itself against today’s profligacy and materialism.

Silo gone Beyond

*I got the emailed news from Santiago, Chile, about noon simply saying: “Mario leave this world this night. A big and warm hug. Luis Felipe”. This is my long time pal in the Humanist Movement and I was to hear that over forty of our friends were gathered in his apartment at the time of the emailing. I had not seen Silo personally since the Spain meeting around the year 2000.*

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