Pushing Crisis
GOP Cries Wolf on Debt Ceiling in Order to Impose Radical Pro-Rich Agenda
President Obama and Republican House Speaker John Boehner are allegedly close to a $3 trillion deficit-reduction package as part of a deal to raise the federal debt ceiling before an August 2 deadline. But the deal is coming under fire from both congressional Democrats and Republicans.
Demise of the Tao Fu King
An icon of Mui Wo village on Hong Kong’s Lantau Island has ‘gone to the further shore’ and his popular product, Sweet Tao Fu (J. Tofu) or Soy Custard, will be sorely missed by so many people – local and visitors alike – Mok Kau Moon, aged 79, died 11 July, 2011, after only one night in hospital.There is no one to take up his business.
Greek Tragedy: Voracious Corruption, Black Economy, And Tax Evasion
When German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to take a firm stand vis-a-vis Greece bleeding financial crisis, she was surly aware that black economy accounts as high as one-third of Greek GNP, that tax invasion amounts to 20 billion dollars a year, and that corruption is rooted everywhere, at all levels, particularly among political parties.
Human rights activist “Pepe” Manegdeg’s widow continues appeal
Tragically, a night before she arrived home for a brief family reunion before starting another contract as a domestic worker in Hong Kong, Florence “Dom-an” Macagne Manegdeg’s husband “Pepe” was assassinated. The perpetrator was alleged to be a military man. That was November 28, 2005, in the tobacco fields of San Esteban, Ilocos Sur, Northern Philippines.
Ending Nuclear Evil
‘No nuclear-armed country currently appears to be preparing for a future without these terrifying devices. In fact, all are squandering billions of dollars on modernization of their nuclear forces, making a mockery of UN disarmament pledges. If we allow this madness to continue, the eventual use of these instruments of terror seems all but inevitable.’
“Bring water to its position” – Dr. Ardakanian
The UN Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development recognizes that the challenges inherent to the global water crisis can’t be met by governments alone. All key sectors of society have to be engaged and mobilized to collectively address the problem. Dr. Reza Ardakanian says the media can play an important role in mobilizing different players to respond to the water crisis.
On the edge of a global revolution?
What do Bolivia, Iceland, Tunisia, Egypt and Spain all have in common? Given that they are famous respectively for; ladies in bowler hats, volcanoes, mosaics, pyramids and Rafael Nadal there seems to be little to connect these diverse countries, yet they are all undergoing the most radical forms of social revolution witnessed since the collapse of the Soviet Empire.