

The G20, the Eurozone and the Robin Hood Tax

We reproduce here a report from the [Robin Hood Tax]( campaign website in relation to the meeting of the G20. Who supports it, who will try to block it and how it could help the Eurozone emerge from its current crisis. As even some bankers are now talking about being responsible, the momentum for this tax keeps growing.

11/11/11. 11 Seconds to (begin to) create a Nonviolent World

Evolution is through the path called ‘Imagination’. Not many centuries ago the end to slavery would have appeared as a utopia to a large number of people, until the moment when someone dared to imagine it. As Albert Einstein said: “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” World without Wars and without Violence makes a call to imagine a different world

Amid Israeli Threats, New Flotilla “Headed Toward Gaza”

As the Canadian and the Irish two ships approach and are too close to reach the Gaza’s Harbor, Israel has begun a massive propaganda-offensive against the new “flotilla” which set sail from Turkey on last Wednesday, carrying medical supplies, medicines and humanitarian support for the impoverished people from Gaza Strip.

Israeli military boards Gaza-bound boats

Israel navy boarded two Gaza-bound boats that were trying to break the blockade of the impoverished Gaza Strip.
The Irish Saoirse and the Canadian Tahrir boats were carrying 27 activists from 9 countries and a symbolic cargo of $30,000 in medication. They
have been intercepted and boarded about 35 kilometers north of the Gaza Strip, as activists announced Friday afternoon.

Leading suspect cleared of killing journalist, “clean-up” of police announced

Reporters Without Borders is astonished to learn that Marco Joel Álvarez Barahona, also known as El Unicornio” (The Unicorn), was acquitted by a court in the northern city of La Ceiba on 31 October of being the main perpetrator of last year’s murder of radio journalist David Meza Montesinos.

Japan: Crippled Nuclear Plant Particles May Be Result of Recent Nuclear Fission

In news from Japan, the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant revealed today it had found radioactive particles in a reactor which could be a result of recent nuclear fission. Utility officials said gas from inside the Fukushima plant’s No. 2 reactor indicated the presence of radioactive xenon.

Archbishop of Canterbury backs FTT/Tobin/Robin Hood-Tax as St Paul’s and the City of London put Occupy eviction on hold

Dr Rowan Williams said the levy would be one way of advancing the “moral agenda” of the protesters outside St Paul’s. The Cathedral has cancelled attempts to evict the campsite. The City of London Corporation has put on hold proceedings and expressed an intention to open negotiations. Will the G20 listen to the voices of common sense?

Just Help the Banks, Not the Cooperatives – These Generate Only $ 1,1 Trillion and Benefit Barely 800 Million People

While European politicians are spending millions of euro on never-ending summits to seek the best way how to further fund their banks through new re-capitalisation plans, cooperatives silently gather over 800 million people in 100 countries, employing more than 100 million persons worldwide—that’s 20% more than the multinationals, without due attention from politicians.

Directors Earnings up by 49%. Still wondering what the Occupy movement is all about?

Yet, a different kind of protest. ‘Compassion is Revolutionary’. Flash mob Meditation and Multifaith Service at St Paul’s stairs. Active Nonviolence, humour, global democratic links and leaderless consensus seeking Assemblies. Three priests resign from high posts at St Paul’s over divided views. The City of London Corporation begins eviction moves, it may take months.

Turning Nuke Free ‘Utopia’ into Reality

It sounds like utopia. But it is a “concrete utopia”, very much in the spirit of Ernst Bloch’s philosophy and also with Nichiren Buddhism.
Whereas the former visualises elimination of all forms of oppression and exploitation, the latter envisions transformation of the human spirit – which would enable culture of peace to prevail over culture of violence.

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