

Protest for Human Rights in Syria

Here we publish in full the open letter by the Chilean Community in Support of the Humanitarian Crisis taking place in Syria and which gave rise to a public demonstration at the Sirian embassy in Santiago, denouncing the extreme violation of human rights that this government has been carrying out for months.

Côte d’Ivoire: Military Promotions Mock Abuse Victims. President Not Living Up to Promises of Impartial Justice

The Ouattara government has repeatedly promised to break with the past, when security forces were above the law. Yet rather than create an army likely to respect the rule of law, Ouattara has promoted commanders who were in command when atrocities took place and should be investigated, not rewarded.

China Alone Abides by Commitments to World’s Poorest

The World Trade Organization member countries are moving towards the Eighth Ministerial Conference in Doha next December, again with no concrete results, even on issues relating to least-developed Countries (LDCs), recognized by the member countries’ ambassadors in the informal meeting of last July 26.

Turkey Taming Omnipotent Military

In an unprecedented move, top four military commanders in Turkey stepped down from their posts on 29 July 2011. Chief of General Staff Gen. Işık Koşaner, Land Forces Commander Gen. Erdal Ceylanoğlu, Naval Forces Commander Adm. Eşref Uğur Yiğit and Air Forces Commander Gen. Hasan Aksay asked to be retired with immediate effect.

Unwanted Missiles for a Korean Island

Gangjeong on Jeju Island, a pristine Unesco-designated ecological reserve where elderly Korean women sea divers, haenyo, continue to forage for seafood. It is also the site of a fierce resistance movement by villagers who oppose the construction of a South Korean naval base on the island that will become part of the US missile defense system ‘to contain China’.

Documents suggest there has been a secret policy in the UK Foreign Office of collaboration with torture

According to a report by the British newspaper The Guardian new documents it has seen confirm what the ex Ambassador to Uzbekistan has been saying all along. That the UK Foreign Office knew torture was being used in the interrogation of terrorism suspects and in spite of its illegality and unreliability it accepted information thus obtained.

How activists can stream live videos with their phones

One of the first posts for this site was about GandhiCam, an application for Blackberry phones that automatically sends any image, that you take to your email or an email address of your choosing. The idea was developed to allow activists to immediately get content off their phones before the police could confiscate them, as had happened during the G20 protests in London.

Fighting homophobia in Honduras where close to 40 LGBT citizens have been killed in the last two years

Forty years after the Stonewall riots, when a group of homosexuals stood up to police to fight a raid on a New York City bar, a milestone for the gay movement, that day Honduras saw the Americas’ first coup d’état of the 21st century. In the aftermath, a slew of human rights violations occurred, many of them violence against Honduras’ gay community.

PA Pledges to Prevent September Violence

The Palestinian Authority has ordered the organisation’s security forces to prevent planned demonstrations in September from turning violent, according to the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. The protests, sponsored by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, will coincide with the PA’s bid for statehood at the UN on September 20.

Investigative journalist’s murder probably linked to his work

Reporters Without Borders condemns yesterday’s murder of TV presenter José Agustín Silvestre de los Santos, who was kidnapped in the eastern city of La Romana and was later found dead in El Peñon, on the road from La Romana to San Pedro de Macorís. He had been shot three times.

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