Government scraps plan to force journalists to inform police
Thanks to a wave of demonstrations and protests in Santiago the government has abandoned plans to force journalists to hand over images to police under controversial new legislation sponsored by interior minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter, who announced on 18 January that he would withdraw that section of the bill.
ActiveWatch – MMA and Reporters Without Borders condemn acts of violence during protests
ActiveWatch – Media Monitoring Agency and Reporters without Borders condemn the acts of violence perpetrated against journalists by both policemen and protesters over the past four days. The two organizations also denounce basic human rights violations by the riot police, such as the right to free speech, the right to freedom of movement and the right to freedom of assembly
TV satellite operator usurps court’s prerogative to silence Kurdish TV station
Reporters Without Borders is stunned by Paris-based TV satellite operator Eutelsat’s decision yesterday to stop carrying the broadcasts of Copenhagen-based Kurdish TV station Roj TV on the grounds that a Danish court found it guilty of supporting the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), an armed separatist group regarded by Turkey as a terrorist organization.
The Time is Right for the Human Right to Peace
No time is more appropriate than now to build the culture of peace. No social responsibility is greater nor task more significant than that of securing peace on our planet on a sustainable foundation. Today’s world with its complexities and challenges is becoming increasingly more interdependent and interconnected. The sheer magnitude of it requires all of us to work together
Occupy LSX loses Court battle to stay but gets congratulations from the Judge
Nobody expected the Occupy the London Stock Exchange campsite at St Paul’s Cathedral courtyard to win the Court Case for eviction brought about by the almighty City of London Corporation. However the support the Occupiers got from unexpected quarters points to some awareness that actually, they may be a real ray of hope in a crumbling system.
The Long Slow March to Nuke Abolition
“We want a nuclear weapons free world.” More than 80 percent of people around the globe have expressed this overwhelming desire to authors of a new report. But a close look shows that very little is happening rather slowly in terms of reducing nukes and putting a halt to proliferation. This is cause of profound concern also to atomic scientists.
Former PM may get off the hook
At 28. September 2010, the Icelandic Parliament (Alþingi) voted that Mr. Geir Haarde, former PM, should face charges of misconduct as PM. It was the first time in Icelandic history, Court of Impeachment (Landsdómur) was called together.
After going over the charges against Mr. Haarde, they threw out all but four out of eight charges.
The Day the Internet Roared
Wednesday Jan.18 marked the largest online protest in the history of Internet. Websites from large to small went dark in protest of proposed legislation before the US House and Senate that could profoundly change the Internet. The bills SOPA in the House and PIPA in the Senate, ostensibly aim to stop the piracy of copyrighted material over Internet on websites based outside USA
Reporters Without Borders to close its English-language site for 24 hours in protest against SOPA and PIPA
In an unprecedented move, Reporters Without Borders will shut down its English-language website for 24 hours from 8 a.m. EST on 18 January, in protest against two online piracy bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), which are currently working their way through the US Congress.