One million dead
The deaths caused by the U.S. in Iraq are “untold” by the media, writes Danny Lucia.
Over a million Iraqis are dead from America’s war.
That sentence is a cognitive litmus test. Some people’s immediate reaction is, “That can’t be right,” because the United States couldn’t do that. Or because crimes on that scale don’t still happen.
UAE – Much Oil, Fiew Rights
Dubai – Oil rich United Arab Emirates (UAE) harassed, arrested, and jailed activists, and disbanded the elected boards of two of the country’s most prominent civil society organizations, says [Human Rights Watch]( (HRW) report “[UAE: Free Speech Under Attack](”
“Sharp Rise in Palestinians Uprooted by Israeli Demolitions”
Geneva – Almost 1,100 Palestinians, over half of them children, were displaced due to home demolitions in the West Bank by Israeli forces in 2011 – over 80 per cent more than in the previous year – according to a [United Nations new report.](
Your money helped bail out some UK Big Banks. Do they know it isn’t Christmas?
Banks are lending very little to help the real economy – businesses and mortgages – but there are no shortages of bonuses for top executives. Huge payments to lobbying firms at home and in the US (whose activities are not covered by the Freedom of Information Act) have been used to influence policies that may curtail the financial sector’s licence to cream.
Interview to Mario Aguilar
We had a chance to talk with the humanist national leader of the Teachers’ Association, in an interview carried out in “Umbral”, in the neighbourhood of Bellavista, in which we asked him to evaluate this year’s most compelling demonstrations in Chile for a high quality and not-for-profit education, also attempting to make a projection of what may happen in the future.
Obama’s late payment to mortage-fraud victims
In his State of the Union address, many heard echoes of the Barack Obama of old, the presidential aspirant of 2007 and 2008. Among the populist pledges rolled out in the speech was tough talk against the too-big-to-fail banks that have funded his campaigns and for whom many of his key advisers have worked: “The rest of us are not bailing you out ever again,” he promised.
Egypt: Jubilation, But…
Cairo, 26 January – It started as a day of celebration, with tens of thousands of Egyptians converging on Tahrir Square to mark the first anniversary of Egypt’s revolution, 25 January. The morning crowd — dominated by bearded Islamists — waved flags and strolled peacefully in the Square — flashpoint of the eighteen day uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak last year.
IMF Seeks Asia’s Help to Tackle Eurocrisis
When an international commission headed by Willy Brandt drew attention to global economic interdependence in its report in 1980, the world was divided between rich North and poor South. More than 3 decades later, the IMF is asking what were until recently developing countries to help stave off the European financial crisis resulting in the global economy sinking like Titanic