

Hong Kong – why sit on a picket line in the pouring rain?

Hongkong International Terminals (HIT) is under siege in that relative rarity in Hong Kong, a workers strike. Speaking to the press the company said it expects 90 vessels will skip the Kwai Tsing Container Terminal, where it operates, if the…

Humanism in the Private Sector

Interview with Roberto Blueh and Juan Aviñó We had a chance to talk with the managers of a private company trying to implement a new model in the relations between capital and labour, as well as in the way their…

UN human rights chief urges US to close Guantánamo detention centre

The United Nations human rights chief today urged all branches of the United States Government to work together to close the Guantánamo detention centre, stressing that the indefinite incarceration of detainees is a clear breach of international law. “I am…

David Cameron promotes nuclear proliferation

On a visit to Scotland, the home of UK nuclear weapons, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron said, “We cannot be sure on issues of nuclear proliferation, and to me having that nuclear deterrent is quite simply the best insurance…

BRICS Summit draws clear red lines on Syria, Iran

The BRICS just became impossible to ignore.  At the close of the Fifth annual BRICS Summit in Durban, South Africa last week, there was little question that this group of five fast-growing economies was underwriting an overhaul of the global economic and…

Stop a nuclear holocaust

Stop a nuclear holocaust Again the world is on tenterhooks by the irrationality of belligerent states and their ruling classes so we humanists raise our voices yet again to condemn in the strongest terms those who despise life, or place…

Hungary must retract law that makes homelessness a crime – UN experts

Two United Nations independent experts today urged the Hungarian Government to retract a recently passed amendment that criminalizes homelessness, stressing this will result in discrimination against those without shelter. “Through this amendment, the Hungarian Parliament institutionalizes the criminalization of homelessness and enshrines…

Petition for UK Work and Pensions Secretary to live on £53 per week reaches 300,000

On Monday’s Today Programme (Radio 4) David Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been cut, he lives on £53 per week. The next interviewee was Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who was defending…

April Fools in the UK, cuts, freezing cold, benefits freeze and no Spring in sight

Metaphors don’t come more satirical than this. The weather refuses to let Spring arrive, with the coldest Easter in living memory. The Chancellor chose April 1st, aka April’s Fool day, to effect the most draconian cuts to benefits and services…

North Korea’s declared State of War: Rhetoric or Madness?

Here we publish the press realease from the international organisation, World without Wars and Violence: Regarding the situation in the Korean Peninsula and the policy of nuclear deterrence Members of World without Wars and Violence are extremely concerned about the…

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