

Twenty years of studies on the Goddess: an inspiring conference

Photo: Friday, May the 9th, 2014, 6pm, the ‘International House of Women’ in Rome: an exhibition by women artists paying tribute to the Potnia with their work and a celebration to our Ancestresses mark the start of the conference…

Inclusive Capitalism is an oxymoron

This is how Clive Menzies, political economist with a background in business and investment management, founder of the Critical Thinking research project at the Free University and member of the Occupy London Economics Working Group defines the Conference on Inclusive…

Exclusive: Chilean Robin Hood? Artist Known as “Papas Fritas” on Burning $500M Worth of Student Debt

You may know the adventures of Robin Hood and Zorro, outlaws fighting for the poor. Today we meet the newest member of that club, a Chilean activist who goes by the name Papas Fritas. Francisco Tapia, known as Francisco “Papas…

The Migrants’ Files: Database of Death around the European Borders

They know their lives are at risk, yet each year thousands of people from Africa, the Middle East and beyond — war refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants — leave their homes and try to reach the promised land of…

Adonis, a voice carried by the Syrian winds….

This translator and writer, known as Adonis,  is “one of the greatest living Arab poets”, and was born on January 1, 1930 at Qassabine in Syria. His family was a humble one; however, when he was only seventeen, he published…

Mumbai: annual examinations of the Dawoodi Bohra community

The 76th annual examination of Aljamea-tus- Saifyah conducted by Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin who lays strong emphasis on women empowerment through education The 76th Imteehan Sanawee of the Dawoodi Bohra community’s 200 year old educational institute, Aljamea-tus-Saifyah are currently taking place over…

The politics of fear, a wake up call from Europe

The anti-European, anti-immigration and anti-diversity parties have made huge gains in the European elections which some call a “political earthquake”. In the UK the Eurosceptic party’s victory marked the first time in modern history that neither the Labour party nor…

William Worthy & Vincent Harding: Thank You and Goodbye

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan The world lost two remarkable men in May, two African Americans who helped shape modern history, yet whose names and achievements remain too little known. William Worthy, a journalist, died at the age of…

Thesis for a new paradigm arising from emerging movements

These notes are an attempt to collect in a summarised way some of the common points between what are known as emerging movements, that is, the various social movements that have appeared in different parts of the world since 2011.…

Laos “Land Grabs” Drive Subsistence Farmers into Deeper Poverty

BAN HOUYTHAO (IRIN*) – “Land grabs” in Laos are driving poor farmers, including ethnic minorities, off their land, away from livelihoods they know and into further poverty, activists and experts say. “When these lands [are given] to companies and converted to…

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