

Indiscriminate, Brutal Killings Children in Conflict

Human Wrongs Watch  The multiplication of crises affecting children since the beginning of 2014 is creating unprecedented challenges that overshadow progress to date to protect them from the impact of war, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council…

Ebola: African Union Holds Emergency Talks as Study Points to Potential Vaccine

By Democracy Now! The African Union is holding an emergency meeting on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. More than 2,000 people have been killed, and the United Nations has warned the toll could hit 20,000 before the virus is…

Scots voting no to independence would be an astonishing act of self-harm

England is dysfunctional, corrupt and vastly unequal. Who on earth would want to be tied to such a country? By George Monbiot for The Guardian, Tuesday 2 September 2014 Imagine the question posed the other way round. An independent nation…

CETA – Trojan horse for TTIP [EU-US “Free” Trade Agreement]

By Critical Thinking As Daily Pickings reported on Saturday, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is in trouble – in the UK a Mirror online poll showed 94% say NO to the trade agreement and protest against it is…

Home Alone: South Sudan Teenager Leads Her Young Siblings to Safety in Uganda

Human Wrongs Watch By Dorothy Lusweti, Boroli Refugee Settlement, Uganda, (UNHCR)* – When 13-year-old Yayo Tangko turned up at the Boroli refugee settlement in Uganda earlier this year with her four younger siblings, she feared the worst for her missing parents.…

Concerns Over World Bank Proposals to Roll Back Safeguards for Indigenous People

  Human Wrongs Watch BANGKOK, 3 September 2014 (IRIN)* – Activists warn of a harmful regression in the World Bank’s safeguard policies, claiming that proposed changesbeing considered this autumn could weaken the rights of indigenous people, and others in danger of displacement…

West Africa: Ebola Outbreak Puts Harvests at Risk, Sends Food Prices Shooting Up

  Human Wrongs Watch Rome – Disruptions in food trade and marketing in the three West African countries most affected by Ebola have made food increasingly expensive and hard to come by, while labor shortages are putting the upcoming harvest season…

God Wills It!

  Human Wrongs Watch By Uri Avnery* 5 September 2014 FOR SIX decades my friends and I have warned our people: if we don’t make peace with the nationalist Arab forces, we shall be faced with Islamic Arab forces. The Israeli-Palestinian…

Concern over Bangladesh Move to Repatriate Muslim Rohingyas to Myanmar

  Human Wrongs Watch DHAKA, 4 September 2014 (IRIN)* — Bangladesh announced this week that it will send back over 2,000 Muslim Rohingya refugees to Myanmar, stoking concerns about the prospect of returning them to an increasingly dire situation. “Myanmar has…

Indian Ocean Nations to Carry Out UN-Organized Tsunami Readiness Test

Human Wrongs Watch Ten years after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 24 countries in the region will participate in an exercise organized by the United Nations to test their readiness to address such rare but potentially destructive events, the UN…

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