

Why So Many Jews Denounce Israel’s War on Gaza

By Yakov M. Rabkin A profound division exists between Zionist advocates of Israel on the one hand, and both secular and religious Jews, on the other, who reject Zionism and thus the very idea of a separate state for the…

Israel in Gaza: a genocidal enterprise?

The twentieth century has been marked by several genocidal enterprises. In 1899-1902, the United States was closely associated with the genocide of 3 million people in the Philippines[1]. In 1907, King Leopold of Belgium led an army that killed over…

Towards the end of human dignity

In response to the humanitarian appeal of the University of Birzeit in Palestine , the Edward Said Free Chair of Palestinian Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, pronounces: it is necessary to break the explanatory…

Sit-in for ceasefire in Gaza at the Statue of Liberty

The Jewish Voice for Peace Facebook page describes the invasion of the Statue of Liberty in New York by hundreds of activists to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza: 500 Jews and allies took over the Statue of Liberty, disrupting…

WARNING: Expandable Water Toys Pose Health Risks to Children

Safe Toys for Kids advocate BAN Toxics is issuing a warning to the public regarding the sale of expandable water toys that pose a risk to children. These colorful expandable water toys are made from superabsorbent polymer (SAPs) plastic chemicals,…

Ecuador: Nonviolent October 2023 comes to an end.

I want to live without fear, that’s why I build Nonviolence! This was the message that resounded for a month in multiple activities of the Nonviolent October, promoted in its twelfth year by the humanist collective “Espacio No Violento” and…

How Netanyahu Funded, Built Up and Made an Ally of Hamas From 2012 to 2018

The following excerpt is from an article in Haaretz, one of Israel’s most widely-read mainstream newspapers. It was written by Dmitry Shumsky and published on Oct 11, 2023. The piece has been followed almost daily by a series of articles…

The New Manhattan Project: A Concert for Nuclear Abolition – Nuclear Ban Week NY

Join Youth Arts New York/Hibakusha Stories, ICAN and NYCAN for the inaugural event of  Nuclear Ban Week NY The New Manhattan Project: A Concert for Nuclear Abolition Monday, November 27, 7:30 p.m. The Japan Society, 333 East 47th St., New York, NY…

The Temporality of Things

Everything comes and goes Everything is transitory and provisional In this temporal time and space, we all live in.   But there are some things that come That transcends this time and space That come from the sacred, from that…

Colombian Campaign Against Landmines provides training to indigenous community

The Colombian Campaign Against Mines (CCCM), carries out Humanitarian Demining through activities that lead to the elimination of threats by Explosive Artifacts (EA) in the municipalities of Mutatá, Dabeiba, Murindó and Turbo, located in the west of the country, in…

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