

#YouthPolicyMatters: Stepping Up Global Debate on Youth Policies

  Human Wrongs Watch 23 October 2014 (UNESCO) — From 28 to 30 October 2014, the first Global Forum on Youth Policies is organized with the aim of advancing the debate on youth policy development and its full and effective implementation…

Primary Emphasis Must Be to Halt Spread of Ebola in West Africa — UN

Human Wrongs Watch As the international community mobilizes on all fronts to combat the unfolding Ebola outbreak, the primary emphasis must continue to be on stopping the transmission of the virus within Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the three hardest-hit…

Europe Is Positioning Itself Outside World Arena

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 22 October 2014 — The new European Commission looks more like an experiment in balancing opposite forces than an institution that is run by some kind of governance. It will probably end up…

Australia: Gough Whitlam dies at age 98

Dalit human rights fighter, India, Ravi Shankar writes… “In a rapid programme of reform it called “the program”, the Whitlam government created Australia’s national health insurance scheme, Medibank; abolished university fees; introduced state aid to independent schools and needs-based school…

Podemos: an unusual process

Deliberation in Podemos[1] is public and open, it allows for varying degrees of involvement, within it are participating people from social movements and its structure is designed not only for militants but rather for popular participation. By Olga Rodríguez for…

The New putney Debates 2014 start on Mon 27/10

After the ongoing Occupy Democracy protests at Parliament Square, ending on October 26th, Occupy London will continue to push for real democracy with The New Putney Debates. It will overturn discredited narratives of the political mainstream, and examine democratic pathways to social,…

UK Health Service at risk from TTIP: The Royal College of Nursing

Royal College of Nursing Press Release “We want a cast-iron guarantee that TTIP will not leave the NHS vulnerable to privatisation through the backdoor” – RCN warns of trade deal’s impact on the health service > The NHS needs to…

Occupy Democracy: guest at UK Uncut blog

This is a guest blog from Occupy Democracy. Find out more about the project, and see a full list of workshops here. Follow @occupydemocracy and #occupydemmocracy to stay up to speed. Our time is now. In Hong Kong, hundreds of…

Europe Is Positioning Itself Outside World Arena

  Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 22 October 2014 — The new European Commission looks more like an experiment in balancing opposite forces than an institution that is run by some kind of governance. It will probably end…

Maternity Leave: Women’s Survival vs. Family Responsibilities in Rwanda

  Human Wrongs Watch Kigali, 22 October 2014 (ILO)* – Kanyange’s (not her real name) baby is crying intermittently as they wait to meet a doctor at a health care centre in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.  Source: ILO “My baby…

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