

‘It is heart breaking to see the extraordinary scale of devastation’ of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu

Human Wrongs Watch 30 March 2015 – Two weeks after Tropical Cyclone Pam struck Vanuatu, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for the archipelago on a tour through one of the most severely affected provinces Saturda [28 March 2015], warned of…

Angola ratifies the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Congratulations to Angola, the 164th State to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. Now if we could only persuade China, Korea, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and the USA to do likewise. ANGOLA RATIFIES THE COMPREHENSIVE NUCLEAR-TEST-BAN TREATY Vienna, 20 March…

NYC holds “Day of Remembrance” – American history of Japanese Americans internment camp

On March 28, The New York City Day of Remembrance Committee (DOR), a group of volunteers, held their annual event commemorating the struggles that Japanese Americans endured during World War II. This year’s program was a tribute to the late…

Opening Message for the Day of Discussions on the Peace process in Colombia at Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflections.

March 28, 2015 – First, let me thank you for being here and for traveling to this beautiful part of New York State. We are here at the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection between Kingston and New Paltz.…

Czech Humanists: if we are not careful we will find ourselves in the middle of a war zone

“Tanks? No, thanks” Statement by the Humanist Movement about the planned crossing of the US army across Czech Republic territory In a few days a large US army convoy will be crossing the Czech Republic. More than one hundred armored…

Czechs demonstrate against US troop movements on their territory

In Prague’s Wenceslas Square some 1500 people demonstrated yesterday, Saturday 29th March, against Operation “Dragoon Ride” in which US army personnel and equipment are crossing Czech Republic territory starting today on the way to their German base. Speeches were given…

One year on, brands still failing Rana Plaza survivors and victims’ families

Labour behind the label: UK activists join a global day of action for justice 24 April, 2014: Labour rights campaigners will be marking the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster with a memorial action to demand justice for Bangladeshi…

Occupy Rupert Murdoch Week Closes Entrance to News HQ

By Occupy the Media Occupy Rupert Murdoch Week Closes Entrance to News HQ to Highlight the Right-Wing Media Billionaires’ Hijacking of Britain’s Democracy About 50 Occupy Rupert Murdoch supporters have shut down the entrance to Rupert Murdoch’s News UK office…

Lee Kuan Yew, dynamic politician and elder statesman

This year I will be 31—the same age as Singapore’s first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew when he started the People’s Action Party in 1954. From a Facebook post My generation may not fully agree with his politics, even as…

A conservator Governor in India

Assam finds a conservator of wildlife in its new Governor Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya, who has made it clear that unlike other constitutional heads of the State, he would not be a mute spectator in respect to protecting the great Indian…

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