

The roots of terrorism in Kenya: colonialism, once again…

No one is left without a sensation of horror at last week’s awful attack on Garissa University College, Kenya in which it seems that the dead number more than 150 young students who had their whole lives ahead of them.…

‘Why We All Should Care about the Oil Platform Explosion that Just Happened in Mexico’

Human Wrongs Watch By Arin de Hoog*  4 April 2015 — Early Wednesday morning [1 April] the Pemex oil platform, Abkatun Alpha blew up off the West coast of the Yucatan peninsula. The explosion killed four people and sent 16…

The Crime Congress

Human Wrongs Watch 2 April 2015 – Every five years policy-makers and practitioners working in crime prevention and criminal justice gather for the United Nations Crime Congress to help shape the agenda and standards of the UN in this area.*…

Ecuador: Forensic analysis throws argument of fraudulent ruling out the window for Chevron

Quito, Abril 1 (Andes).- A new forensic analysis appears to completely undermine the testimony of Chevron’s star witness in the Ecuador pollution case and suggests the oil company falsified evidence about the authorship of the Ecuador trial judgment to evade…

EPA moratorium on new pesticides that kill birds and bees

Reuters reports the in the USA the Environmental Protection Agency has issued a moratorium that will restrict the use of new pesticides that have been blamed for declining bee populations, though the policy does not apply to products currently on…

Iran, the Deal, and why it’s good for all

Background: All nuclear weapons require a primary nuclear explosive. There are only two materials that are used for that purpose: either Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) or plutonium of any kind (except plutonium-238). Highly Enriched Uranium Highly Enriched Uranium refers to…

Surveillance state [in the UK]

Preventing far right extremism? Schools in EDL and BNP heartland only monitoring ethnic minority pupils March 31, 2015 by Melanie Newman For The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Schools in an area with a history of far-right activism have been singling…

Wealth creators’ are robbing our most productive people

By George Monbiot for The Guardian. There is an inverse relationship between utility and reward. The most lucrative, prestigious jobs tend to cause the greatest harm. The most useful workers tend to be paid least and treated worst. I was…

AIIB – China’s new bank garnering wide support

The “AIIB” is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a new multilateral development bank as proposed by Xi Jinping in a speech to the Indonesian parliament in October 2013. The concept as expressed then was: “to support the process of interconnection…

International Criminal Court Welcomes Palestine as State Party to Rome Statute

Human Wrongs Watch 1 April 2015 – The International Criminal Court (ICC) welcomed the Palestine as the 123rd State Party to its founding Rome Statute today, in a ceremony held at the seat of the Court in The Hague in…

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