

Burundi – Plan a genuine humanitarian intervention now

When I put things together in the early morning of May 15  – mainstream media reports, Twitter, Facebook and info from Burundi and my 13 years of experience – Chapter One of the Burundi crisis is over. Another very bleak…

Justice delivered for Bangladesh war widows

“Finally justice is delivered. I was waiting for this moment. The butcher is finally hanged. Million thanks to Allah,” said Begum Bewa, a 60 plus widow from Sohagpur locality of north Bangladesh, as she noted the news relating to the…

Violent episode in Economic Corridor movie

Pakistan: Life is cheap and miserable here. Asian Tigers, business tycoons, military strategic partners, and aggressive contractors fighting hard to find ways to suck the blood of ignorant or innocent human beings of this earth who are daily deceived through…

Presentation of the Colombian Peace Process at the London School of Economics

Professor Michael Cox, director of IDEAS at the London School of Economics introduced on May 12th Mr Sergio Jaramillo Caro, key negotiator in the Colombian Peace Process between the Government and the FARC guerrillas taking place in Havana, to an…

NATO troop movements in Romania announce “The Russians are Coming”

Pressenza was approached by Russia Today to give the agency’s opinion about NATO troop movements in Romania, following previous movements between the Baltic countries and Germany passing through Poland and the Czech Republic which we previously highlighted earlier this year.…

Bangladesh: RIP Ananta Bijoy Das

“Blogger killers are now threatening the newsmen for standing behind the victims”, says Shamsul Basunia, in Dhaka. “Obscure blackguards, generally accepted as ultra-fundamentalists, debilitated a correspondent by beating him. They did so for posting remarks on Facebook in dissent against…

Jews congratulate Pope Francis

Media Alert:  Jews Congratulate Pope Francis Jewish liberals and progressives reacted with enthusiasm to the announcement today that the Vatican will recognize the Palestinian State. Rabbi Michael Lernner, editor of Tikkun Magazine: a Quarterly Jewish and Interfaith  Critique of Politics,…

Hell Unleashed

This is what the arrogant morons who comprise the US government have stirred up: Watch this video for its entire 1 hour 20 minutes, and then ask yourself if Washington is making a good decision by driving us into…

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula?

By Gunnar Westberg, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Can Korea be reunited after almost 70 years of complete division between North and South? This is the dream of many in the older generation in both parts of…

Singapore: Yee’s guilty verdict is a sad indication of the limits of free speech

By Marte Hellema and Joses Kuan* As the world responds to the guilty verdict of Amos Yee, thoughts should not just focus on how a 16-year-old ended up in this predicament, but on what it says about the state of…

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