

Greece’s geopolitics

Located in the Eastern Mediterranean and facing three continents, Greece, the weak link of the European Union (EU) and NATO, has strange relationships with Russia, China, Iran, Israel and Egypt. Simultaneously it is the bottleneck in migration issues, and contributes…

The Monster, Europe, Greece and the Retreat

The Principle of Opportune Action (Greek translation below) In the referendum on the 5th of July 62% of the Greek people who voted, voted “no”; no to the austerity terms proposed by the Troika at the time. When questioned if…

Do not sign the India-Japan nuclear agreement

International appeal to Prime Ministers of Japan and India, Shinzo Abe and Narendra Modi DO NOT SIGN THE INDIA-JAPAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT DO NOT ALLOW THE REPROCESSING OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL It has become clear from media reports that in ongoing…

Taliban eager to participate in a peace process for Afghanistan

The Taliban in both Afghanistan and Pakistan are now ready to bring peace in their regions. The former premier and Taliban apex leader Mollah Omar’s spokesperson said this on the eve of Eid festivities. Congratulating this gesture from the Taliban…

Barter Networks – Lessons from Argentina for Greece

Barter Networks – Lessons from Argentina for Greece   By Marina Sitrin Source: teleSUR English “How did Argentina survive their economic crisis?”; “Are they doing better now?”; “What happened to the factory takeovers?”; “Did millions of people really participate in…

Jammu & Kashmir: words better than bullets

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley are in Jammu, where they are taking part in the centenary celebrations of the celebrated Jammu and Kashmir leader Girdhari Lal Dogra but the PM’s visit comes as India has warned…

Modi’s visit to embroiled Jammu and Kashmir

Under a heading of “Modi’s speech in Jammu leaves BJP workers feeling disappointed and confused”,’s reporter Sameer Yasir detailed the feeling of those attending what was expected to be an important visit to Jammu and Kashmir by Indian Prime…

Protests in front of the Diet Building, Tokyo

Under the statement “Japanese political leaders and elected officials forgot Democracy. We are angry”, Prof. Takeshi Sakagami circulated this news and photograph to media. “A picture taken in front of the Diet Building in Tokyo, at 7:30 pm today, on…

Toxic bonds of mass destruction vs tools for a non-violent revolution

The bet (Greek translation below) Two things have puzzled me in recent years but also in recent days. Firstly, why is no one talking clearly about a possible Grexit? We keep on hearing about the catastrophe that Grexit will lead…

“Dispicable” says Japan celebrity on Abe’s constitutional reforms

In an article in The Japan Times, famous animated movie director Hayao Miyazaki calls Abe’s move to revise Japan’s constitution ‘despicable’, writes Reiji Yoshida. The director made a rare public appearance Monday in Tokyo and in responding to questions from…

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