

The story of a public debt, five years later…

Greece has been in the spotlight for several years now. The debt crisis has overshadowed its blue face. However, Greeks have not have enough information about what they were being asked to pay until recently. The first to ask for…

UK: The Labour leadership contest

An Occupier’s Perspective. By Peter Dombi With the demise of Ed Milliband after Labour’s election defeat, the race is now well underway to find a successor. Initially this seemed as if it would follow the predictable path, with various pro-business…

By inflating Islamic extremism, David Cameron has lost sight of what really threatens us

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The real ‘struggle of our generation’ is not terrorism – in fact, that’s way down on the list Sir Winston Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square should be removed to a museum. All busts and…

“Christmas in July” in Absurdityville, USA

“It is Christmas in July!”[1] So, the boob-tube informs me every time I try to momentarily escape the real and surreal horrors of MSM news, alternative news, Internet news, news from the universe. I seek a morsel of sustenance; a…

Youth Rising Against the Security Bills

Last Wednesday, Japan’s ruling party and its coalition steamrolled the controversial national security bills at the lower house of parliament. As the ruling party holds the majority seats in the house, the result was predicted, and yet it outraged the…

Crackdown on culture of violence: Afghanistan bans guns – toy guns

The Afghan government has decided to launch a crackdown on the culture of violence in the country by banning guns. Not the real lethal firearms but toy guns that children play with. The move on Tuesday comes after more than…

Afro-Colombians Should be at the Negotiating Table

On behalf of organizations and communities that make up The Afro-Colombian National Peace Council (CONPA), and in the context of the announcements made on Sunday, July 12, 2015 by the negotiating parties on agreements to de-escalate the internal armed conflict,…

The 80 billion euros that Greece needs are in Switzerland… and are Greece’s

Carlos Enrique Bayo, director of the Spanish daily, Publico, has written an article that is well worth reading, in which he denounces the flight of Greek capital to tax havens in recent years. He deconstructs the argument that the Greek…

Worker Cooperatives vs. Traditional Hierarchical Organizations

From Rcooley123 blog (September 7, 2014 entry) Worker cooperatives, where the workers are also owners of a company, may be an effective way to counter the trend towards large, multinational corporations which have resulted in the enormous degree of economic…

Roma Virtual Network

Introduction of Roma Virtual Network The Roma Virtual Network (RVN) is a public grass-roots initiative aimed to provide the international Roma community and friendly non-Roma organizations and individuals with useful information on Roma issues in variety of languages via the…

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