

Bike City Copenhagen: This Is The Ultimate Bicycle Friendly City

Welcome to Copenhagen, although if you’re a fan of two-wheeled transportation, you’ll probably come to know it as bicycle heaven. Copenhagen is the city with more bikes than people, at a rate of 5 bikes to 4 people. Many cities…

Taiwan’s system cannot be called democratic

Taiwan cannot be taken as an example of a good democracy just because you can choose your leader freely there, apparently, as distinct from the Hong Kong system where the leader cannot be voted in freely. If you like Taiwan’s…

36 retired senior U.S. military officers support Iran deal

The Iran Deal Benefits U.S. National Security  An Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals On July 14, 2015, after two years of intense international negotiations, an agreement was announced by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China…

Nobel Peace Laureates Endorse Violence

In a recent letter to US President Barack Obama twelve Nobel Peace laureates declared their support for the long history of US elite violence against Native Americans and enslaved Africans, as well as the US imperial violence around the world…

NLG Provides Critical Support for Demonstrators in Ferguson, Condemns State of Emergency

More than 150 protesters arrested Monday, including at least nine National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Legal Observers FERGUSON, MO—Police violently cracked down on activists yesterday after imposing a State of Emergency in St. Louis County in an effort to stifle protest…

Norway Hit by Two Crisis, Yet the Citizens Are Protected by a Massive Oil Slick

By Johan Galtung* TRANSCEND Media Service – Norway, on top of the UN indicator of good life for years, is now hit by two different crises; one for the less developed aspect and one for the more developed. Yet the citizens are protected…

Negotiations broke down without concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership!

US Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman (formerly of Citibank) and the trade reps from the other 11 Pacific Rim nations as well as investors from hundreds of multi-national corporations left the luxury resort on the Hawaiian island of Maui on…

A chat with Kurt Heyl on The Presocratics and some more

Here we publish the inteview done by Jorge Huneeus to Kurt Heyl, on The Presocratics and much more…

Susan Metz on Face 2 Face

This week show starts with our friend singer and guitarist Mark Lesseraux and continue with Susan Metz to discuss, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP) process and actions against TPP done in New York. More information at  for the Park Slope…

On hosting refugees, Germans say everything but ‘cheese’

If you ask Germans whether they would host refugees for 20 euros a day, you will likely get a very clear answer – either negative or positive. But if you ask to take their picture, you may get the finger.…

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