

Greece: New left-wing party gets three days to try to form a government

Following Tsipras’ resignation, the President of the Greek Republic has ordered the opposition to investigate the possibility of forming a government. The New Democracy Party seems to be ending the 3 days they were given without any effect. Tomorrow the…

ζω: zo̱… I Live ! Interactive documentary in Greece

This project was born from a curiosity about Greece. Soon the idea of making an interactive documentary became clear, giving voice to those women and men who organize themselves to find solutions to the needs of daily life. It is…

2015 World Conference Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs

Declaration of the International Meeting It will soon be 70 years since atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. This year also marks the 70th year after the end of World War II. We the…

Cyprus: the Roma, standing for what they are!

Interview with Ms. Chryso Pelekani, Special Scientist, Ph.D candidate   University of Cyprus   Dear Chryso, please tell us where and when were you born? I was born in 1980 and I was raised in Limassol, Cyprus.   Where…

Mapping New York City’s Civic Commons

New York, August 20, 2015 – Churchill nailed it in 1947 when he said “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others which have been tried from time to time.” For decades thereafter traditional Western Democracy…

Tsipras resigns “reclaiming” popular sovereignty

A few hours ago the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, handed his resignation to the President of Greece. Just before doing so he gave a 15 minute message to the population that was also broadcast by many press agencies around…

The inner core of our joint action

From where do we get the energy and the motivation for our joint action? How do we manage to sustain our joint action in the long term?To begin with, and generally speaking, the energy and the motivation for our joint…

Greek PM Tsipras resigns, calls snap election

Prime Minister Tsipras has announced early elections in an effort to quell rebellion within his party. Many left-wing lawmakers are disappointed with what they see as Tsipras’ surrender to creditors’ demands. Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras submitted his resignation and…

UK labour leadership contest: Jeremy Corbyn the only candidate to bring hope

On one point I agree with his opponents: Jeremy Corbyn has little chance of winning the 2020 general election. But the same applies to the other three candidates. Either Labour must win back the seats it once held in Scotland…

Nepal: amidst the ruins there is the human being

Manavtabadi Abhiyan is the name of the organisation promoted by the Panauti coordination team engaged in organising a community self study programmes in this public shelter. Here we meet members in the activities. Despite all of the physical and daily life problems…

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