

Long-term climate change adaptation strategies in Asia

Eight countries to sharpen long-term climate change adaptation strategies FAO and UNDP join forces under German-funded initiative to raise profile of agriculture in climate change planning A farmer in Viet Nam clearing overgrowth surrounding a small tree in an effort…

Greek crisis: countries compete to remove any kind of obstacle to capital accumulation

Antonis Broumas, from Greece, is an investigative lawyer and activist who works mainly on building bridges between law, technology and society.  He participates in social organisations in Greece which promote autonomy and the commons. Broumas was in Quito between the…

The Street – Japan: I come here today so very angry

Despite opposition from a majority of the Japanese people, the government is forcing this through, without a doubt, the work of a dictatorship. But, this sight before me right now really fills me with hope. Whether this country will permit…

Anteos Chrisostomidis: the Greek intellectual of our age

“Literature, even the heavy, serious kind is addressed to a wider audience,” always stressed Anteos Chrisostomidis*. “Literature is a human creation and concerns everyone,” he insisted. I think however, that few people had the opportunity to talk with such important…

Leave fossil fuels in the ground, ending climate crimes

Climate Change and Nuclear Power: You Don’t Cure the Plague by Spreading Cholera. Nuclear Radiation is not the Solution to Global Warming By Jean-Marie Matagne Global Research, August 29, 2015 In the lead-up to COP21, a hundred French and international…

Voting doesn’t make us feel tired!

The Popular Unity party handed the mandate to try to form a government back to the President of the Greek Republic, and a transitional government was formed by the President of the Court of Cassation, Vassiliki Thanou-Christophilou and her new…

Thomas Lowenhaupt on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, the singer and guitarist Gabriella Callender, and continues with Tom Lowenhaupt to discuss .nyc and Internet Top Level Domains in NYC and around the World. Read more about .nyc in New York

Anti-war Spaniards mobilize against NATO exercises

Spanish anti-war groups are organising demonstrations against NATO exercises on their territory from October with the participation of nearly 36,000 troops. The Platform ‘Let’s Recover El Retín’, based in the Andalusian town of Barbate in the south of the country,…

Bersih 4.0 – as Malaysians we want clean-fair elections and real democracy

Malaysian protesters of all ranks and ethnic groups slept in the streets of the capital overnight Saturday after they gathered in their thousands at an anti-government rally that pointed to growing discontent with Prime Minister Najib Razak over a recently…

Veterans For Peace Calls upon U.S. to Reduce Military Tensions in Korea

Veterans For Peace, a major peace organization of veterans in the U.S., welcomed the  announcement on Tuesday, August 25th, of an inter-Korean agreement to de-escalate the current military tensions in Korea. Among the items agreed to, the South agreed to…

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