

Lampedusa, Italy and Gangjeon Village, South Korea win 2015 IPB peace prize

The IPB is delighted to announce its decision to award the annual Sean MacBride Peace Prize to two island communities who, in different circumstances, show proof of a profound commitment to peace and social justice. LAMPEDUSA is a small island…

Harpreet Toor on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, singer and guitarist Gabriella Callender, and continues with Harpreet Singh Toor to discuss the situation of the Sikh community in New York City.

A Watershed Moment for Guatemala: Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchú Celebrates Jailing of Ex-President

By Democracy Now! In Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina has been jailed on charges of corruption only hours after he resigned as president, bowing to massive popular protest. We speak to Mayan activist Rigoberta Menchú, who won the Nobel Peace Prize…

NATO must be consigned to the rubbish heap of history

During the weekend conference on NATO and Russia in the Baltic Area organised by the No to War, No to NATO campaign, Reiner Brown, co-President of the International Peace Bureau participated in a panel meeting on the subject of Common…

“European Union hypocrisy must end”

The international humanist organisation World without Wars and Violence has issued this statement in regard to the refugee crisis currently affecting Europe. STATEMENT FOR THE MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES ISSUE IN E.U. World without Wars and Violence, World Coordination Team. September…

“NATO is not the solution for security in the Baltic”

This weekend in a conference in Helsinki, Finland organised by the “No to war, no to NATO” campaign and hosted by peace and anti-war organisations from Sweden and Finland, a string of experts, diplomats and peace campaigners echoed the sentiment…

Boysan Yakar: “for us the Pride event is a co-organization, we try to leave everything aside”

I just heard the news of the death of Boysan Yakar and Zelis Deniz in a car accident from a friend with ties to Turkey, as do I. It was confirmed by this article on the Turkish LGBT rights website…

Think about all the Syrian refugees and think what makes you British?

Tat Wa Lay Facebook It’s 1984 and my mother arrives in the UK with 89 other Vietnamese refugees known as the “boat people”. With just the cloths on her back and her four children, she’s confronted with the local people…

Two Indigenous Solar Engineers Changed Their Village in Chile

By Marianela Jarroud Liliana and Luisa Terán, two indigenous women from northern Chile who travelled to India for training in installing solar panels, have not only changed their own future but that of Caspana, their remote village nestled in a stunning…

Native Protest Camp in Argentine Capital Fights for Land and Visibility

By Fabiana Frayssinet Since Feb. 14, one large tent and several smaller ones set up on a small square at the intersection of two major avenues, Avenida 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo, have housed some 40 representatives of a…

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