

Greek election result analysis: The thunderous silence

These Greek national elections have probably been the quietest in recent years with an “eloquent silence” of the electorate. Everyone should have expected this though after so many surprises and twists that have taken place in Greece in recent months.…

Spanish Unity: A sacred and indissoluble marriage “by the grace of God”?

In recent days we have heard President Obama calling for Spanish Unity, as if he were acting as a matchmaker or a marriage broker, just as in the past we heard the same from General Franco. And it’s true that…

Assam and surrounding Indian states stability threatened

The Indian government is mulling the arrangement of polls for early next year in this region amidst the threat of large scale insurgencies by the United Liberation Front of Assam – ULFA and its associates among the CPI (Maoist) left…

Dennis Redmond on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend singer and guitarist Gabriella Callender and continues with Dennis Redmond to discuss Nonviolence beyond direct action.

The leading players in the Greek elections

The Greek people were asked yesterday to vote once more with the issue at stake being which political party or coalition can better implement the 3rd Memorandum. When we say better we mean the most painless possible way, if and…

Radioactive floods recontaminate Japan

Last week a serious typhoon hit eastern Japan creating flooding that has not occurred for at least 50 years. Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator and owner of the triple meltdown site Fukushima Daiichi, admitted that drainage pumps at Fukushima…

Demystifying nuclear power: the Fukushima toilet overflows

Japan just can’t seem to catch a break as extreme forces in nature repeatedly buffet the island. Efforts are currently underway to coax former Nahara residents, evacuated during the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdown, to return to their…

Life in reunified Germany

If you cannot view this message correctly, please click here.     Discover life in reunited Germany On October 3, 1990 Germany celebrated reunification after being divided for decades. Starting today on DW’s websites, you’ll find many interesting stories and…

Call for Nuclear Abolition on Peace March in Togo

Today in Lomé, capital of the West African country of Togo, a Peace March took place as part of the Nuclear Abolition Week, organised by activists from ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Photos by Visions Solidaires/ICAN Togo

Migrants – The face of the EU

Article written by Neven Đenadija, translation by Stevo Marjanović exclusively for SouthFront First of all I have to say that the EU as we know it today, and because of which Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet are rolling in their…

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