

Why peace activists should stop cheering for Russian bombs in Syria

There’s a view of Syria, common even among peace activists in the United States, that holds that because the United States has been making everything worse in Syria and the entire Middle East for years, Russian bombs will make things…

Palestine is not a local issue, it is a global issue with global ramifications

“Palestine is not a local issue, it is a global issue with global ramifications” ProMosaik e.V. interviews Mazin Qumsiyeh By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. An important interview with the Palestinian writer and scientist Mazin Qumsiyeh, born in Beit Sahour in…

Stop Saudi Arabia!

STOP SAUDI ARABIA! Demonstration Oct. 15th, piazza del Campidgolio, 4-7 p.m. LET’S DEMONSTRATE EVERYWHERE, FOR A MONTH OF ACTION No War Network organizes a demonstration, Oct. 15th, Rome, piazza del Campidoglio, AGAINST THE SHAMEFUL REGIME STOP SAUDI BOMBINGS OF YEMEN!…

When Peace Activists Met With the U.S. Institute of Peace

When Peace Activists Met With the U.S. Institute of Peace By David Swanson I was part of a debate on Tuesday that involved a larger disagreement than any exhibited at the Democratic presidential candidates debate that evening. A group…

Himal mag. covering “The Bangladesh Paradox”

Dear Readers,Himal Southasian is pleased to announce the launch of its third quarterly of 2015, ‘The Bangladesh Paradox‘ (Vol 28 No 3). Despite spurts of interest, Bangladesh does not get the attention warranted by a country of its size, complexity and…

Montenegro Peace Movement protest “No to war – No to NATO”

To mark the occasion of the visit by NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, to the Balkan country, the Montenegro Peace Movement will hold a protest on Wednesday 14th October at 17:00 hours at the intersection between Belgrade Street and Risto…

Belarus elections neither free nor fair, despite lack of physical violence

Belarus presidential election: “Neither free nor fair, despite lack of violence” – UN rights expert GENEVA (13 October, 2015) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, today commended that protests against…

Climate-change controversy – fuel to the fire

“Perth electrical engineer’s discovery will change climate change debate”, is the headline in a PerthNow article, reported by Miranda Devine (October 4, 2015). A footnote says that Dr David Evans “has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which…

President Of Ecuarrunari, Carlos Pérez Guartambel, enters Ecuador with an indigenous organization issued passport

October 12, on the International Day of Indigenous Resistance, Carlos Perez Guartambel (President of ECUARUNARI, the organization of Kichwa Peoples in Ecuador) entered Ecuador with a Kichwa passport. It is the first time a passport issued by Indigenous authorities is…

UK government licensed almost £4 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia

Licences included fighter jets, military vehicles and targeting equipment 62% of UK adults oppose arms sales to Saudi regime, with only 16% supporting The sentencing of Karl Andree, 74, to 350 lashes is yet another reminder of the terrible human…

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