

South Africa: 16 Days of Activism – NO to women or child abuse

  Pretoria- It is that time of the year again for 16 Days of Activism in South Africa, where Non Government Organisations (NGOs) are saying NO to women and child abuse for these 16 days from 25 November to 10…

[Mayor of London] Boris Johnson’s decision to close Parliament Square to Occupy Democracy to be challenged in High Court tomorrow

By Occupy Democracy All previous 17 cases relating to Occupy Democracy protests acquitted or dismissed Policing operation costs exceeded £2 million Case is a litmus test of our democratic freedoms Mayor of London argues the rights of grass should take…

Brazil OKs Belo Monte Dam against rights of communities

The environmental authority granted the project’s operating license, ignoring evidence of noncompliance with conditions necessary to guarantee the life, health and integrity of indigenous and other affected populations. Altamira, Brazil. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)…

Breaking international law in Syria

The war drums are getting louder in the aftermath of ISIS attacks in Paris, as Western countries gear up to launch further airstrikes in Syria. But obscured in the fine print of countless resolutions and media headlines is this: the…

It’s not ‘glitter for all’ in the diamonds industry

Mention of the word diamond elicits images of wealth, an excess of it, besides the obvious beauty of the item itself thus the diamond trade could be dismissed as out of the normal reach of human rights activists in our…

Argentina changes course: Neoliberalism back on the menu.

“Macri Becomes President-Elect with 51. 4% of Votes “Mauricio Macri, the candidate of the Cambiemos (Let`s Change) coalition, won Sunday´s runoff with 51.4% of the votes and became the President-elect of Argentina, scheduled to succeed President Cristina Fernandez next December…

Election results show it’s time to pause Lantau ‘development’

From the blog of Lantau Confidential – NOTES FROM THE BIG ISLAND Poll result shows it’s time to pause Lantau ‘development’ The Islands District Council result yesterday reflected Hong Kong as a whole; the pro-government and pan-Dem forces basically fought a…

Helicopter pilgrims die in crash in India-held Kashmir

All seven people on board a helicopter returning from a pilgrimage site were killed Monday when a helicopter crashed in the India-held Kashmir region. The flight had left a popular Hindu shrine in the mountainous region, media reported, crashing after…

Burundi’s crisis and the world’s inability to prevent violence

The big – not great – powers of the world have embassies everywhere, plenty of intelligence services, special forces on the ground and satellites in space. They can even hit and kill individuals they don’t like. They can intervene here and…

Paris Attacks: “An act of war” – and other unfortunate phrases

Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here…

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