

Reflections on events in Cologne: “What we need now is a kind of internal mast”

In the aftermath of the sexual assaults attributed to refugees on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, and the subsequent outbreak of anti-refugee sentiment and violence in the country, our Editor in Berlin, Johanna Heuveling reflects on the appropriate stance…

Guantánamo Bay: 14 years of injustice

Guantánamo Bay detention centre – a symbol of torture, rendition and indefinite detention without charge or trial – has entered its 15th year of existence. Immediately after his election as president in 2009, Barack Obama promised that he would close…

Syria: UN and partners get relief convoy into besieged town of Madaya

A humanitarian convoy has finally reached the besieged Syrian town of Madaya with life-saving health and food supplies from the United Nations and its partners for the 42,000 desperate residents after reports of people starving to death under encirclement by…

President creates Ministry of Indigenous People in Chile

Today, Chilean president Michelle Bachelet signed the laws at La Moneda Palace, Santiago, that create the Ministry of Indigenous People, the National Council and the Indigenous People’s Councils. In a simple ceremony, Bachelet congratulated herself on benefiting, at last, the…

Britain faces legal action over arms sales to Saudi Arabia

The British government faces legal action over refusal to halt the issuing of weapons export licenses to Saudi Arabia amid widespread censure of the kingdom’s human rights violations and its actions in Yemen.        Leading proceedings are being carried by…

US activists mark Guantanamo anniversary in Washington

Human rights groups in Washington DC held protest to highlight the torture of inmates at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and called on President Barack Obama to shut down the facility. As the US detention camp entered…

Africa Focuses on Women Rights, Reaffirms Solidarity with Sahrawi People in Struggle for Self Determination

Human Wrongs Watch The African Union (AU) will hold it 26th Summit from 21st to the 31st January 2016, at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The theme of the Summit is: “2016: African Year of Human Rights with particular…

Bangladesh: Awami League’s Blame-game on minority repression

Published on 30 Jan 2015 on Bangladesh News Today, in Bangladesh, the minorities are the victims of government-inflicted atrocities. Spurred on by the Awami League’s heinous political agenda and aided by the government’s state organs, the minorities are being victimised…

Iran’s criticism of Saudi Arabia’s executions is outrageous hypocrisy

Iran’s criticism of the Saudi mass executions is outrageous hypocrisy. Tehran is also guilty of barbaric killing methods and, indeed, of putting to death eight times as many prisoners as Riyadh in 2014. It condemns Saudi Arabia for persecuting Shia…

Bolivia: Evo Morales calls on social movements to celebrate 10th anniversary

President Evo Morales has called on social movements in Bolivia and neighboring countries to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the revolution, achieved by the conscious and mass participation of the people. The president’s call was made on Saturday, at a…

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