

Toward a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: one billion citizens’ appeal

Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation: “Toward a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: One Billion Citizens’ Appeal” ************************************************************************** Yasuyoshi Komizo Secretary General of Mayors for Peace Chairperson of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation Despite everyone’s wish for peace, our world is filled with hatred and…

Immediate action needed to Save the Bedouin

Please Take action to Save the Bedouins  by Rabbi Arik Ascherman As you read this, JNF bulldozers are preparing the first stage of building the Jewish community of “Hiran” on the rubble of the Israeli Negev Bedouin community of “Umm…

Open Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament

On January 28, the UN Open Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament (OEWG) will hold its first session in Geneva. The OEWG, open to all UN member states and to representatives of civil society, was established by the UN General…

Argentina: Free Milagro Sala

Argentina: Free Milagro Sala Wed, 20/01/2016 – 20:53 Humanists denounce and reject all forms of violence, in particular when people who fight for social change are deprived of liberty, such is the case of Milagro Sala. Milagro represents a social…

U.S. vs. Them: Trump, presidential politics & the Middle East

Dr. Michael Izady Interviewed by Russell Whitehouse Dr. Michael Izady has been a professor of history and political science since 1991 at various European& Ivy League universities, and has providedin-depth lectures on the Middle East for NATO and US military…

Nuclear industry: three cheers (not) for Jaitapur, a perspective

During French President Hollande’s ongoing visit to India, India and France are expected to announce that they are going to enter into an agreement to import six nuclear reactors marketed by the French company Areva, which are to be constructed…

The deeper reason why Syria negotiations are doomed

Negotiations were supposed to start in Geneva today, January 25, 2016. The media is full of analyses of why it won’t happen and how virtually everybody disagrees with everybody else about who should be there and who should not.  All…

What about Syria?

The defeat of Syria , will accomplish a long US´ goal: to get rid of the Russian military seabase in Tartus, at the Syrian coast. The MediterannianSea shall be a US Lake´-full stop! The grand plan is to take over…

Ramesh Jaura: Human Rights for all in an Equal World

Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. inteviews Ramesh Jaura, Director-General and Global Editor of the International Press Syndicate with headquarters in Berlin and associate headquarters in Tokyo and Toronto. Jaura is also co-founder and President of the Global Cooperation Council established in…

Djukanovic to be jailed after Montenegro joins NATO

My name is Ion Todescu. I’m Bucharest-based freelance journalist, worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2007-2013  and with leading Romanian newspapers e.g Adevarul etc. Now I’m the owner of well-known personal blog ( Today I’ve written an interesting piece…

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