

The Right Livelihood College

Disseminating and strengthening wisdoms and skills for a positive future “The Right Livelihood College aims to be five things – a hub, a catalyst, an incubator, a multiplier and an accelerator of links between universities and the work of Right…

Suu Kyi calmly takes the stage

“Burma was brimming with anticipation as its legislative hue changed suddenly from green to red on Monday. After decades of effort, the National League for Democracy (NLD) assumed a majority of the Union Parliament, leaving hopes at an all-time high…

Washington Is The Greatest Threat To World Order

Sergei Naryshkin, the Chairman of the Russian Parliament says that the growing tensions in international relations result from Washington’s lack of morals and violations of international law: “The increasing crisis in international relations is rooted in Western nations’ lack of…

Capitalism will eat Democracy – unless we speak up

By Yanis Veroufakis for TED Democracy. In the West, we make a colossal mistake taking it for granted. We see democracy not as the most fragile of flowers that it really is, but we see it as part of our…

Humanist Party of Uruguay – position paper

  POSITION ON THE CURRENT SITUATION, THE REPRESSION and THE FIGHT OF THE OPPRESSED. We are in a world that develops systems of social oppression and these are ever increasing, producing violence in all its forms. In some places this…

International Convention for the Cessation of War

For over 60 years, North and South Korea have been on the verge of war. Earlier this month, North Korea claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb which triggered talks over fresh sanctions and punitive measures. On both sides…

Denmark, Sweden and refugees

Part 4 or 4 Since people around the world are bewildered, I thought it would be helpful to offer one of many possible backgrounds – my own as a Danish-born citizen, peace researcher and observer living in Sweden. Here is the fourth…

Israel against Arab Citizens – Apartheid and Zionism

Interview: with Yasmina Allouche By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – Tomorrow an important event will start. We published the invitation this morning. The event is organised by Middle East Monitor and concerns Israeli violations against Palestinians in Israel. Palestinians are victims of…

European Governments Step Up Offensive against Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch By Marianne Arens* 28 January 2016 (WSWS) – At a meeting in Amsterdam this week, European interior and justice ministers sought to outdo each other with suggestions as to how the influx of desperate refugees from the Middle…

Argentina: Free Milagro Sala

Humanists denounce and reject all forms of violence, in particular when people who fight for social change are deprived of liberty, such is the case of Milagro Sala.  Milagro represents a social organisation, Tupac Amaru, whose membership consists of thousands…

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