

Taking back our common lands and life

There has always been something suspicious about what once was termed ‘global warming’, then became climate change – which no one can deny is taking place. Then the issue was further refined and the core point became man-made negative changes…

Ethnic politics in the Middle East – it’s complicated

Dr. Michael Izady has been a professor of history and political science since 1991 at various European& Ivy League universities, and has providedin-depth lectures on the Middle East for NATO and US military and policy planners.  He received his PhD…

Chili Yazzie: “Give Us Our One Day to Say Our Peace”

Duane “Chili” Yazzie delivered the keynote at The Red Nation and UNM KIVA Club’s march and rally in Albuquerque on October 12, 2015 in celebration of the city’s first Indigenous Peoples Day, formerly known as Columbus Day. Yazzie is the…

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire agrees with the UN expert panel decision on Julian Assange’s arbitrary detention

The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service PRESS RELEASE – 5 Feb 2016 Mairead Maguire welcomed the findings of the United Nations working panel when on 5th February 2016 they produced a report on the detention of Julian Assange. She…

What happens to the Bernie Sanders movement if he loses?

By George Lakey January 15, 2016, for Waging Nonviolence You may have heard the story of the woman who was walking her dog one night and found a man on his hands and knees, searching the sidewalk under the streetlight. “Can…

Interview with Yanis Varoufakis: How The Greek People’s Magnificent “No” Became “Yes”

In this interview with Yanis Varoufakis hosted by the Real News Network and translated by acTVism Munich, Yanis Varoufakis talks about his time as the finance minister of Greece and the launch of his new movement called Democracy in Europe…

USA, UN Security Council, South Korea and Japan should stop hostility towards DPRK

North Korea is shooting missiles into the East Asia skies again and the all the hounds are baying for blood but this scenario is regularly played out yet no one makes a move to change anything fundamentally. North Korea (DPRK)…

As Myanmar enters a new era, Washington and Beijing vie for influence

  Myanmar is a country rapidly moving toward uncharted political terrain. By March 2016, the National League for Democracy (NLD) will take power for the first time in history, bringing an end to five decades of rule by the military establishment. Once…

Chelsea Manning releases Podcast to tell her story in her own words

Actress Michelle Hendley portrays WikilLeaks whistleblower’s voice due to prison restrictions barring her from speaking directly to press. (Via Common Dreams) The recording was produced in collaboration with Amnesty International and voiced by actress Michelle Hendley. Due to prison restrictions,…

Iran’s Sedigheh Vasmaghi says Islam is never opposed to equal rights for women

Sedigheh Vasmaghi: Islam never opposes equal rights for women By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. – an interview with Sedigheh Vasmaghi about women in Islam. Dr. Sedigheh Vasmaghi is a lawyer, poet and author from Iran. She is known for her…

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