

Yanis Varoufakis launches his Democracy in Europe movement

What is this heterogeneous crowd of people standing in the foyer of the People’s theatre doing there? Why are they waiting hours in advance for a ticket? Why are the foreigners searching in agony for a live stream link? At…

Fish ball riots in Hong Kong’s Mongkok

In Hong Kong 2016 the Lunar New Year was being happily celebrated across the territory and in the crowded ever-popular Mongkok district it was the perennially delightful scene of crowds and snack stalls, kids and elders alike all enjoying seasonal…

Bangladesh activist lectures gov’t on importance of press freedom

Gov’t in the dark unless media is free, says Irene Z. Khan Irene Z. Khan, director general of the International Development Law Organisation, says development and democracy are not possible without the presence of a free media and freedom of…

Will Geneva talks lead right back to Assad’s 2011 reforms?

Syrian peace talks have already stalled. The opposition refused to be in the same room as the government delegation, while the latter blamed opposition ‘preconditions’ and the organizers’ inability to produce a ‘list of designated terrorists’. The UN’s special envoy…

Violence Is a Preventable Disease

Human Wrongs Watch By Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate* BELFAST, 9 February 2016 (IPS) – The World Health Organization has said that ‘Violence is a preventable disease’ and people are not born violent, rather we all live in cultures of violence.…

I’m starting to hate the EU. But I will vote to stay in

On jobs, health and wildlife, the European Union is often all that stands between us and unfettered corporate power By George Monbiot for The Guardian By instinct, like many on the left, I am a European. I recognise that many…

Israel’s sea-based nukes pose risks

The story has been covered extensively in Germany and even in Israel, but it seems to have largely escaped notice in the United States: Israel has acquired a fleet of advanced German submarines that—Prime Minister Netanyahu has signaled—carry nuclear weapons…

All Sides in Syria Killing Thousands of Detainees in Crimes against Humanity, UN Reports

Human Wrongs Watch   Thousands of detainees have been killed while in the custody of the warring parties in Syria over the past four and a half years, with thousands held by the Government beaten to death or dying from…

Taking back our common lands and life

There has always been something suspicious about what once was termed ‘global warming’, then became climate change – which no one can deny is taking place. Then the issue was further refined and the core point became man-made negative changes…

Ethnic politics in the Middle East – it’s complicated

Dr. Michael Izady has been a professor of history and political science since 1991 at various European& Ivy League universities, and has providedin-depth lectures on the Middle East for NATO and US military and policy planners.  He received his PhD…

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