

Ramiro Sandoval on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with theater director, Ramiro Antonio Sandoval, who recently finished a tour with the play “The Winter of April” (short video) about Human trafficking. Ramiro began the group’s name Tabula RaSa’s “clean slate” in 2011 with…

New China – the writing on the wall

Although this writing was completed in 2003 and the paragraphs on ‘no external debt’ will appear out of order, best bear in mind that all that is spoken of in this essay is still ‘in potential’ and the riddance or…

Jeremy Hunt goes nuclear – the 12 things you need to know

DOMINIC PIMENTA 12 February 2016 for OpenDemocracy, Our NHS Jeremy Hunt’s decision to impose a contract makes as little sense as the rest of his narrative about the junior doctors and a ‘7 day NHS’ – unless you unpick the…

Have a Heart, GODIVA!

Dear Reader, Tell Godiva to have a heart for cocoa farmers this Valentine’s Day! Send a message urging Godiva to trace the cocoa it uses and ensure the farmers who grow it will earn their fair share!There are unsavory ingredients…

Veterans For Peace Calls on U.S. government to end persecution of Julian Assange and Wikileaks

 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been wrongly subjected to arbitrary detention for five and a half years, according to a ruling by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.  The ruling is critical of Swedish prosecutors, who have refused…

VIDEO Reports: Varoufakis and Horvat launch Democracy in Europe Movement 2025

Press Conference The Democracy in Europe Movement 25 initiated by Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, and Srecko Horvat, philosopher & author, was launched with a press conference at Volksbühne in Berlin. To provide an accurate account of the…

Central African Republic: UN Urges Steps to End Impunity for Rights Abuses

Human Wrongs Watch 10 February 2016 – As the Central African Republic (CAR) prepares for the second round of presidential elections this weekend, a new UN report detailing violations and human rights abuses in the strife-torn nation’s capital late last…

ABC’s of the US Empire

“A” Is for “Asininity” That’s a particular kind of stupidity.  All of us can be stupid at times.  (Ever see that picture of Einstein with his tongue hanging out like an aardvark’s, clowning—one supposes—for the camera?) It’s in our genes…

Nobel’s Peace Prize – has it been gazumped?

Thanks to tabloidization – a concept rapidly integrating into even quality mainstream media – you’ve probably heard that Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2016. Well, that prize has been thrown out to so many who…

Can Sanders conquer the Democratic Party?

After Bernie Sanders’ big victory in New Hampshire, Danny Katch asks what it would take for him to win the nomination–and the even bigger challenge of winning the party. WHEN THE loudmouths at Fox News used to warn about the…

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