

Bay of Bengal ‘Three Times More Deadly’ than Mediterranean for Migrants and Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch 23 February 2016 – Refugees and migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than those in the Mediterranean last year, a new United Nations report has found, highlighting the urgency…

Varoufakis in London joins Compass panel

What is the future of Europe? In a panel conference organised by Compass (Think tank created in 2003 to discuss the left wing agenda) at the LSE (London School of Economics) Yanis Varoufakis, Academic, economist and former Syriza Finance Minister…

Africa Launches Largest Trading Block with 620 Million Consumers

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* 22 February 2016 (IPS) – More than 1,500 public and private business delegates and state leaders agreed on 20-21 February in Egypt to mobilize massive investments for the implementation of Africa’s largest trading bloc…

Conflict & Peace, Which Way Should We Choose?

Seoul, South Korea – Amid rising concerns of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula from the recent nuclear tests and satellite launch by North Korea, the organisation Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) hosted a peace forum,…

Hoovering up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

A gyre in oceanography is any large system of rotating ocean current, particularly those involved with large wind movements. Gyres are caused by the Coriolis effect; planetary spin or vorticity along with horizontal and vertical friction causing drag, that determines…

The need for a new economic system

Review: The Need for a New Economic System by John S. Avery Review by Dr. Dorothy Guyot …of The Need for a New Economic System,  by John Scales Avery. From – Center for Economic and Social Justice Opening comments by…

‘One must be blind not to realize that Russia is defending Europe in Syria’

 The threat to European interests in the Middle East comes not from Russia, but from Turkey and Saudi Arabia, says French Middle East expert Roland Lombardi. Ankara in particular has a great deal to lose, and in its desperation might…

Tata Lopera on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Tata Lopera. Tata is a Colombian actress who tell us her story and her experiences about playing on the theater play “The Winter of April”. We talked also about human trafficking, immigration and Tata…

(Liberated) Afghanistan Re-Commits to Ending Children Recruitment in Security Forces

Human Wrongs Watch 19 February 2016 – Following a mission to Afghanistan, the United Nations envoy dealing with children and armed conflict issues, has welcomed the Government’s recommitment to fully implementing its plan to end and prevent the recruitment and…

Islam’s approach to gender justice

 Abdulhalim Abu Shaqqa: By him men will understand the real nature of Islam’s approach to gender justice (Kaleem Koya) By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. In the following I would like to introduce you to a teacher, translator, and editor from…

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