
North America

Biden Administration Is Undermining the Venezuela Dialogue

The talks between the Venezuelan government and the extreme-right wing opposition had been going well. There are still outstanding issues to be resolved, like ending the economic war, but the discussions held in Mexico led to concrete electoral developments. The…

What Kind of a Threat Is Russia?

On no subject is the bipartisan consensus more unshakable than on the Russian threat. By James W. Carden In his latest book, The Stupidity of War: American Foreign Policy and the Case for Complacency, American political scientist John Mueller demonstrates…

The most powerful space telescope ever built will look back in time to the Dark Ages of the universe

Some have called NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope the “telescope that ate astronomy.” It is the most powerful space telescope ever built and a complex piece of mechanical origami that has pushed the limits of human engineering. On Dec. 18, 2021, after…

The U.S. Killer Drone Program Stays Afloat on the Back of Lies and Pentagon Propaganda

A wrongly targeted Afghan aid worker and his family are among the latest casualties. By Leonard C. Goodman On August 29, in the final days of our 20-year occupation of Afghanistan, the United States launched a drone strike, firing a…

Graphics: Major U.S. military operations since World War II

Two decades ago, on October 7, 2001, the onset of the U.S. bombing campaign against the Taliban triggered an endless nightmare for the Afghan people. While combating al-Qaeda and the Taliban, the U.S. also caused a large number of unnecessary…

Nobel Committee Gets Peace Prize Wrong Yet Again

The Nobel Committee has yet again awarded a peace prize that violates the will of Alfred Nobel and the purpose for which the prize was created, selecting recipients who blatantly are not “the person who has done the most or best to…

How Facebook’s Quest for Profits Is Paved on Hate and Lies

New revelations by a whistleblower prove that the world’s largest social media platform understands clearly its negative impact on society, but that profits are a greater lure than preserving democracy. By Sonali Kolhatkar Facebook’s former employee Frances Haugen, in an…

The Child Tax Credit Is a Proven Boost to American Families—Why Are Conservative Democrats Trying to Stop It?

Even though the expanded CTC is a win-win for families and the economy, conservative Democrats are finding ways to oppose it. By Sonali Kolhatkar American families have struggled for decades to make ends meet with wages simply not rising as…

Forbes Reveals Why the US Government Is Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab

Alex Saab is “the key that unlocks the Venezuelan monetary mystery—that is, how a country facing sanctions from the US, the UK and the European Union—is still able to export things like gold and oil…and really the only man who…

The ‘Champion of Democracy’ Failing at Home?: Hate Crimes and Extrajudicial Killings in the USA

by Ozair Islam The United States of America (USA) is popularly known as The ‘Champion of Democracy and Human Rights’. But since the last two decades, in its journey towards a multicultural society, the USA is facing a lot of…

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