
North America

Roger Waters Questioned in Depth About Ukraine, Russia, Israel, U.S.

By Berliner Zeitung, February 4, 2023 The original at the link above is in German. This translation was provided to World BEYOND War by Roger Waters. Roger Waters can rightly claim to be the mastermind behind Pink Floyd. He came up…

Face 2 Face with Randy Credico

In this show, we speak with Randy Credico, host of Live on the Fly: Assange  Countdown to Freedom on WBAI radio in NYC, about Julian Assange’s present situation and the future of the campaign for freedom.

Mónica Valente, secretaria ejecutiva Foro de Sao Paulo: “La integración sólo ocurrirá si los pueblos son los protagonistas”

Paralelamente a la VII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños se formalizó la creación de la Celac Social, un espacio integrado por más de 300 organizaciones políticas, sociales y sindicales de América Latina y el Caribe, del…

Diplomatic Cables Prove Top U.S. Officials Knew They Were Crossing Russia’s Red Lines on NATO Expansion

Nearly a year in, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of, in President Joe Biden’s own words, “Armageddon.” Alongside the literal battlefield, there has been a similarly bitter…

Longtime Client Majid Khan Released from Guantánamo, to Begin New Life in Belize

February 02, 2023, Belize City, Belize – Today, more than 16 years after he was brought to Guantánamo Bay and almost a year after he completed a military commission sentence there, pursuant to a plea and cooperation agreement with U.S.…

Martin Luther King, Jr. and his fight for people of African descent

“We shall overcome”. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (15-1-1929) and the World Day for African Culture and People of African Descent, the Costa Rican Wesleyan…

Towards the definitive emancipation: The Caribbean peoples and CELAC

At the recent VII Summit of Heads of State of CELAC held in Buenos Aires, Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, was elected to lead the Pro Tempore Presidency during 2023. This is the first time…

Cold War 2.0, retrograde insistence that everything repeats itself

Cold War II or Cold War 2.0 are not the titles of a fictional film (yet) but terms used by unimaginative analysts who insist that history is repeating itself, as a parallel to the Cold War between 1945 and 1991,…

Face 2 Face with Diane Sare

On this show, we speak with Diane Sare, candidate running for U.S. Senate in New York State, about her stand in front of main democrats leaders supporting the escalating war in Ukraine, the letter in support to the Pope asking…

The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Proves in Ukraine That It Forgot the Lessons of Vietnam

Friday, January 27th, marks 50 years since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords by representatives from the United States, North and South Vietnam effectively ending American participation in the Vietnamese civil conflict. What the Georgetown University international relations scholar…

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