
North America

The Crisis of Western Imperialism and the Imperative of War and Repression

Presentation at World Anti-Imperialist Conference Ajamu Baraka, Member of Secretariat, U.S. Peace Council Hanoi, Vietnam, November 25, 2022 History demands: Turn Imperialist wars into wars against imperialism Comrades, brothers, and sisters, As we gather today in Hanoi, Vietnam, less than…

Peace in Ukraine Coalition: Letter to the Left on Ukraine

To end the war in Ukraine, peace champions must win the war of ideas. This requires tackling two often-repeated claims that serve as obstacles to a diplomatic agreement between Ukraine and Russia. The first problematic claim is that the war…

Montreal Biodiversity COP15 December 2022

What is it about a bunch of high-ranking people getting together at a Conference of the Parties (COP) at some major metropolitan center with plenty of 4-star and 5-star hotels in order to figure out how to save the planet,…

The end of a unipolar world is the beginning of a new one

The current crisis is profound, touching our formative landscape and making us question the way we have learned to see everything. What we imagined the future to be is melting before our own eyes, like icebergs in the Arctic. All…

Pandora’s box of nuclear progress

Why uranium mining, nuclear energy, and atomic bombs are all steps in the path to destruction By Cymry Gomery, Coordinator of Montréal for a World BEYOND War This op-ed was inspired by a presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards of the…

Kicking Ilhan Omar off a Committee Will Not Help

Incoming Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has threatened to kick Congresswoman Ilhan Omar off the House Foreign Affairs Committee, with the excuse that she’s “anti-Semitic” and “anti-American.” Of course, these charges are false, but they are dangerous, and sufficient reason…

Latin American-Caribbean unity: When, if not now?

There are occasions in history that must be seized. They are windows of opportunity that indicate that the time to move forward decisively has come. Indecision in such circumstances is inadvisable and even reprehensible. Such is the current case with…

Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse

A new study finds Greenland’s ice sheet thinning much further into the ice sheet core than previously thought, 100 miles inland. (Source: S. Khan, et al, Extensive Inland Thinning and Speed-Up of North- East Greenland Stream, Nature, November 9, 2022)…

The Real Path to Peace in Ukraine

NEGOTIATIONS- YES!  ESCALATION- NO! Saturday, November 19th, 11:00am to 4:00pm We, people of conscience, are coming together to demand that there be a radical shift in the direction of US military and foreign policy. NATO expansion must end. Money must be spent…

Face 2 Face with Skip Schiel

On this show, we speak with Skip Schiel photographer of the Nakba photographic project. We discussed his experience of meeting the refugees indigenous Palestinians, often living in refugee camps in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine, interviewing and photographing them,…

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