
North America

“Roses to Missions 3” Rally and March in New York City to Mark Second Anniversary of Nuclear Ban Treaty During a Time of Escalating Crisis

On Friday, January 20, 2023, a coalition of antinuclear groups will celebrate the second anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW or the Ban Treaty). The Treaty that entered into force…

The New York Poor People’s Campaign: Fusion Power for All People

New York is the most unequal state in the nation and yet we know our government officials – those elected by us to represent us—ignore realities most New Yorkers are experiencing.  And worse yet, they try to convince us that…

Nonviolence shines brightly in memory of Martin Luther King

History is not made by one man or one woman. But there are people whose determination accelerates its progress. On 15 January 1929, Martin Luther King Jr. was born into a Baptist family. Inspired by the example of Mahatma Gandhi…

Public Libraries Continue to Thrive Despite Defunding and Privatization Attacks

Efforts by governments and cities across the nation to defund the public library indicate a misunderstanding of the essential role that libraries play. By April M. Short The public sector in the U.S. has been shrinking rapidly since the 1990s…

Anti-militarist activism Wednesday in the USA

On the eleventh anniversary of the reopening of the illegal prison and torture centre at Guantánamo Bay, a demonstration in Washington D.C. on Wednesday demanded that US President Joe Biden close the naval base on Cuban soil. Demonstrators outside the…

Sergey Poletaev: Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the US have something in common – their illusions were shattered in 2022

All the key players in the current conflict spent years kidding themselves, and peace will only come when they accept reality By Sergey Poletaev The Russian military offensive in Ukraine has set in motion a chain of events that has…

Militarized Japan and the Biden-Kishida Summit, Signal Moment in the New Cold War

The Japanese government recently announced plans to double the size of its military budget, which is already the 8th largest in the world. It also issued three new military doctrines which vastly increase its war fighting commits in the Asia-Pacific…

A Reading & Discussion of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence” Speech

Please join the North Country Peace Group for an online Reading & Discussion of Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam – A Time to Break Silence” speech on Thursday, Jan. 12, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. MLK delivered this controversial but little known…

Washington’s “Democracy Promotion” Spectacularly Fails in Venezuela

The Los Angeles Times reports that “the audacious gamble by the U.S. government to…restore democracy” suffered a “spectacular failure” in Venezuela. What this State Department stenographer masquerading as a newspaper considers a “democratic” setback consisted of failing to impose unknown…

CODEPINK rejects attempted coup against Brazil’s democracy!  Calls for Bolsonaro to be sent back to Brazil

CODEPINK is appalled and outraged at the attempted coup in Brazil that took place on January 8 by supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro. Emulating the January 6 U.S. Capitol attack, fascist and extreme-right groups stormed Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court…

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