
North America

Can You Fight for Climate Justice Without Being Antiwar?

Can organizations sincerely say they are leading the climate justice fight without also being unapologetically antiwar? Short answer – no. Here’s why. By Teddy Ogborn We cannot end climate change without ending war. The United States military is the planet’s…

The Black Alliance for Peace launches campaign for a Zone of Peace in the Americas

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) launched a collective campaign for a Zone of Peace in Our Americas with organizations from across our region in Washington, D.C.; Havana, Cuba; and Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The concept of a “Zone of Peace” emerged…

Waiting for the end of the world

We were waiting for the end of the world Waiting for the end of the world Waiting for the end of the world Dear Lord, I sincerely hope that you will come Because you really started something. Elvis Costello, Waiting…

May 6, Grand Opening Celebration: Hudson Valley Park of Study & Reflection

The Kingston community is invited to help celebrate the opening of the Hudson Valley Park of Study & Reflection on Saturday, May 6th from 12 noon to 4 pm: 1170 Route 213, Saint Remy/Esopus, 12401. The event is free and…

New York Times Is Now Telling Bigger Lies Than Iraq WMDs and More Effectively

The New York Times routinely tells bigger lies than the clumsy nonsense it published about weapons in Iraq. Here’s an example. This package of lies is called “Liberals Have a Blind Spot on Defense” but mentions nothing related to defense. It simply pretends…

The risk of ChatGPT

Would anyone ask a talented actor not only to act and talk like a skilled surgeon in a convincing manner, but then allow him to take a scalpel and operate on him? It would seem stupid, wouldn’t it? Well, that…

A petition drive for the release of Julian Assange has begun among members of Congress

Action4Assange activists supporting Rep. Tlaib’s petition initiative will storm Capitol Hill in Washington DC this Tuesday — not in the manner of Trump supporters two years ago, but peacefully and diplomatically. Sit-ins of support April 11th in Rome and in…

Ozone Troubles, Once Again

NASA: “Without ozone, the Sun’s intense UV radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface.” It was 36 years ago in panic mode when the world came together like never before unanimously agreeing to ratify The Montreal Protocol, banning CFCs. This was…

We Are Living Through a Paradigm Shift in Our Understanding of Human Evolution

An interview with Professor Chris Stringer, one of the leading experts on human evolution. By Jan Ritch-Frel There’s a paradigm shift underway in our understanding of the past 4 million years of human evolution: ours is a story that includes…

Latin American and Caribbean countries unite to counter inflation

The governments of ten Latin American and Caribbean countries will meet on Wednesday to discuss the best ways to jointly counter the scourge to their populations of the inflationary wave sweeping the world. The meeting is convened by Mexican President…

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