
North America

ITHAKA with Julian Assange’s Father and Brother, John and Gabriel Shipton, in-person

Celebrating 50 years as Long Island’s Premier Not-for-Profit, Member-Supported, Independent Community Cinema Join us on Saturday, March 18th as we present ‘Ithaka’, featuring a discussion and Q&A with John and Gabriel Shipton, Father and Brother of Julian Assange. Get Tickets…

The Case for Diplomacy in Ukraine

As 2023 unfolds, we fear that American policy will continue to be characterized by both mission creep and the absence of any sort of diplomatic engagement with Russia. Throughout the course of the war, the Biden administration has slowly, steadily,…

How Unions Safeguard Workers’ Sweat Equity

Mark Glyptis and dozens of other union leaders went into contract negotiations with Cleveland-Cliffs in 2022 determined not only to win wage and benefit enhancements for their coworkers but also to protect thousands of family-sustaining steel mill jobs for years…

Nations’ Governments Need Unarmed Defense Plans

It’s quite a high hurdle to appeal to a country that’s been militarily invaded — after decades of military defense (and offense) preparations and the accompanying cultural indoctrination in the supposed necessity of military defense — to appeal to said…

Talk by Chris Hedges at Rage Against The War Machine rally in Washington, D.C

Idolatry is the primal sin from which all other sins derive. Idols tempt us to become God. They  demand the sacrifice of others in the mad quest for wealth, fame or power. But the idol always ends by requiring self-sacrifice,…

David Swanson’s Remarks: Rage Against More Than a War, Rage Against the War Machine

By David Swanson, Remarks on Feb. 19th at Lincoln Memorial as part of , Washington D.C., February 20, 2023 I want to say THANK YOU to everyone here today and especially to those of you who have been here to oppose…

A Realistic ‘Energy Transition’ Is to Get Better at Using Less of It

Being an early adopter of solar technology has given me personal insight into some of the practical limitations and difficulties of the energy transition. By Richard Heinberg In 2022, I authored two articles expressing doubts about society’s transition from fossil fuels to renewable…

Is the Right Wing ‘Whitewashing’ the History Curriculum Taught in Public Schools?

A fight over new history curriculum standards in Virginia is part of a nationwide campaign to undermine public schools and prevent educators from teaching the truth about America’s inequality. By Sandra Jones “People still want to hide the truth about…

While we’re laughing about a balloon; Biden paves a path to war.

There is reason to be alarmed by the recent China balloon. However, that reason is not the alleged China aggression but the very calculated aggression towards China by the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations. This hate and the manufactured reasons…

Gun Violence in the United States: Truth and Facts

Gun violence is a chronic disease in the United States. With its interplay with gun culture, individual rights, interest groups and partisan politics, it has long plagued American society and gravely violated people’s right to life, leaving an indelible stain…

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